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Johnny Bravo


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Where do you get off calling yourself a "Dark Elf"? You wouldn't know "Dark Elf" if you ran into it in a dark alley (and you better hope you don't, cause Brian Carter is not fond of racism) and got shot in the chest by an arrow of Audi slaying +3 by it.


Rolling a new toon does not give you the power to break the game, Mr. T. (Night Elf Mohawk? Please.)


And also, give me all your level 99 gear, since you're not using it anymore.

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You are free in all the ways that I am not. Free to be a troll, free to feel inferior and be correct in that feeling, free to read other parts of CR that won't involve the rest of us making you look more stupid than you already do....


I wish I had those freedoms.

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You are free in all the ways that I am not. Free to be a troll, free to feel inferior and be correct in that feeling, free to read other parts of CR that won't involve the rest of us making you look more stupid than you already do....


I wish I had those freedoms.


LOL ok fatty, have another hotpocket

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I've run into Brian Carter in a dark alley before. It was called Harmon Avenue. Things went better than expected.


The dark elf stuff is a tribute to my inner nerd, which definitely pre-dates any of the World of Warcraft shit. We're talking old school: Drizzt Do'Urden and Menzoberranzan. Give me a 20-sided dice and I'll give you the most suave D&D player this side of Forgotten Realms.


Sincerely yours,

Artemis Entreri

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LOL ok fatty, have another hotpocket


...Free to shop Wal-Mart in your pajama pants, free to sire children, thus single handedly proving Darwin wrong, free to use your Nextel pahone as walkie talkie whilst in line at the quickie mart buying smokes and mt. dew....

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I've run into Brian Carter in a dark alley before. It was called Harmon Avenue. Things went better than expected.


The dark elf stuff is a tribute to my inner nerd, which definitely pre-dates any of the World of Warcraft shit. We're talking old school: Drizzt Do'Urden and Menzoberranzan. Give me a 20-sided dice and I'll give you the most suave D&D player this side of Forgotten Realms.


Sincerely yours,

Artemis Entreri


Once again, you have proven that your THAC0 would require a thirty sided die for an NPC like Paul to even have a chance of critting you, but I am not Paul.


I was chatting with R.A. Salvatore last night, and he said that a light orange colored metro was definitely not what he had in mind when he was creating the Esteemed Mr. Do'Urden. Suave you may be, as well as informed on the subject matter, but a Dark Elf, you are not. Maybe more Stygian, from the Conan lore....

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Where did you get this picture of me!?!?! DID YOU HACK MY LAPTOP CAMERA!!!????



If you did, guess that means you know about me and your mom then. And your girlfriend. And your sister.....

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Once again, you have proven that your THAC0 would require a thirty sided die for an NPC like Paul to even have a chance of critting you, but I am not Paul.


I was chatting with R.A. Salvatore last night, and he said that a light orange colored metro was definitely not what he had in mind when he was creating the Esteemed Mr. Do'Urden. Suave you may be, as well as informed on the subject matter, but a Dark Elf, you are not. Maybe more Stygian, from the Conan lore....


Judging by the time-stamp on your post I now have some idea of how long it takes you to do a Wikipedia search on "Menzoberranzan." Oddly, I thought it would have taken you less time, but then again I've always been an optimistic fellow.


I'm certain the irony of you chastising someone for not being black enough is not lost here?


And let's leave Paul out of this one. Really all he's good for is shouting from the peanut gallery.

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Sheeeeit "nukka", Half of the wikipedia article on Menzo was submitted by me. I was actually looking through artist renditions of Drizzt, and oddly enough, if you DID have purple skin and some big pointy ears, you could totally add him to your cosplay menagerie.


Lost on everyone but you, John.


There can be no argument that Paul loves to eat nuts, but not of the "pea" variety.

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