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Johnny Bravo


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Honestly, no, I was not a "nerd" in high school. For better or worse, I was considered "popular" in high school (whatever that means). Not that it really matters now, but I figured I'd clarify anyway.


P.S. I've always considered myself a bit of a nerd, insofar as I have a number of fairly diverse intellectual interests. Nerdiness in junior high got you laughed at; nerdiness as an adult (when paired with, say, some Rock N Republic jeans, Burberry colonge, and some hair product) will get you laid by women that consider themselves "intellectuals."





we can still be friends then

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...nerdiness as an adult (when paired with, say, some Rock N Republic jeans, Burberry colonge, and some hair product) will get you laid by women that consider themselves "intellectuals."


You mean posers?

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phil get the fuck serious. POGS were the only cool thing. go back to counting your beanie baby collection.





go fuck yourself, the lamest thing i did in that regards was collect nba rookie cards... then i found out it was cooler to play the sport than admire others who did it... i was 5 years old

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Phil, trying to keep up is making you look worse. You would be doing yourself (not to mention the rest of us) a favor if you just read the board and did not try to contribute. Don't you have a pile of roast beef to go stick your dick in or something?
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Phil, trying to keep up is making you look worse. You would be doing yourself (not to mention the rest of us) a favor if you just read the board and did not try to contribute. Don't you have a pile of roast beef to go stick your dick in or something?




keep up??? ha! im so far ahead of this game i had to stop for a personal half time for you to catch up. my contribution means more to this board than your one funny thread a year you provide. i dont fuck roast beef, thats just awkward.

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Phil, trying to keep up is making you look worse. You would be doing yourself (not to mention the rest of us) a favor if you just read the board and did not try to contribute. Don't you have a pile of roast beef to go stick your dick in or something?


speaking of ironing...

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Honestly, no, I was not a "nerd" in high school. For better or worse, I was considered "popular" in high school (whatever that means). Not that it really matters now, but I figured I'd clarify anyway.


P.S. I've always considered myself a bit of a nerd, insofar as I have a number of fairly diverse intellectual interests. Nerdiness in junior high got you laughed at; nerdiness as an adult (when paired with, say, some Rock N Republic jeans, Burberry colonge, and some hair product) will get you laid by women that consider themselves "intellectuals."


I could only hope for 2 out of 3....



male pattern baldness cure didnt come fast enough for me... damn proteins... :fuuuu:

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7 year member, 450 posts. Your own personal contribution has been noted. Thank you for attempting to keep your drivel from bothering us.


Hey dumn dumn.... I guess as a "senior member" you would know that the old Kitchen posts never counted, right? I fucking ran that shit... RAN IT. Head Chef, Gordan Ramsey.

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speaking of girls/intellectuals... anyone ever notice there is a huge difference between intellectual girls, and girls who consider themselves intellectuals..





wait.... intellectual girls... is that an oxymoron?



Yes. To both questions.

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I could only hope for 2 out of 3....



male pattern baldness cure didnt come fast enough for me... damn proteins... :fuuuu:


Some chicks are into bald guys.


Too bad you're not into chicks or else you could have a good thing going.

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Hey dumn dumn.... I guess as a "senior member" you would know that the old Kitchen posts never counted, right? I fucking ran that shit... RAN IT. Head Chef, Gordan Ramsey.



As an "Old Skool" OG, I suppose you remember that for a few years there, you were posting in "MY" Kitchen?


As in, it was called "DJ's Kitchen".

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Hey dumn dumn.... I guess as a "senior member" you would know that the old Kitchen posts never counted, right? I fucking ran that shit... RAN IT. Head Chef, Gordan Ramsey.


1. Talk shit about Kitchen greatness to a "senior member" that at one time had the Kitched named after him.


2. Talk that shit right after criticizing someone for being ironical.


Here is your lifetime achievement award from the Irony Society. Your irony cannot get any greater.

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Quotes are so overused it is sometimes hard to know for sure. Thanks for clarifying you dick :gabe:


I've always taken great satisfaction in helping the "learning disabled" with reading comprehension. Pro bono work can be the most fulfilling, at times.

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