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Porsche or PorschAHHH


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long, but worth it.





when i lived in florida, one of my mentors had a 911s vert. he constantly went on and on about how awesome the car was, and how he's leased one for the past 20 years. he would literally correct anyone who didn't pronounce it "porsche-uh". onetime after office i let him see the taillights of my cobra on the freeway--it wasn't even remotely close. guy was kind of a douche. once his lease ended later that year, he went with the turbo/overboost 911. never got a chance to run him again, but he was definitely a douche-canoe. this guy was such a prick, he'd work us like bitches, make hundreds of thousands of dollars off people in the last year of training (like me), and not even have the decency to buy us lunch. i grinned ear-to-ear for months knowing how slow his porsche-uh was.

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In Germany they pronounce it Porsch-uh just as in danke. However the rule of how we speak in America prevents the e from being spoken thus it's typically pronounced Porsch with out the e. To me it's obvious the German version is more authentic and correct but feel it should only be spoken by owners of actual Porche's or first generation Germans. Ask my wife and she pronounces it Penis. :p


This post should end the thread and thus, this inanity.

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You pronounce the e at the end because there's a fucking e at the end. This is how you pronounce it, it's not a matter of personal preference.


It's not porsch.


There's an "e" at the end of "douche," and it's pronounced "doosh."

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I used to get all annoyed about it, don't really care these days. I almost look at it as a nickname with all of the people that use it incorrectly in the media it's just become common place to use either version.


You would hate the way my friend says it *in redneck voice* PorschUHs


It does not matter if there is one, or a pile of them he always adds the s to the end.

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There's an "e" at the end of "douche," and it's pronounced "doosh."


In Germany they pronounce it Porsch-uh just as in danke. However the rule of how we speak in America prevents the e from being spoken thus it's typically pronounced Porsch with out the e. To me it's obvious the German version is more authentic and correct but feel it should only be spoken by owners of actual Porche's or first generation Germans.


Tim explained it well.


Since we're on the subject.


Audi = Owdi not awdi

Volkswagen = folkswahgin

Mercedes = Merseedus





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I used to get all annoyed about the shortened version, don't really care these days. I almost look at it as a nickname with all of the people that use it incorrectly in the media it's just become common place to use either version.


I want to say for the record that I never said "PORCHEE" when I saw you in your Porsche.


<3 <3 <3

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