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Women driverz LOL


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Way I see it, a guy on a bike is much like a pedestrian when compared to someone in a car. There is no safety structure around the biker. In the skater example, both were on equal footing. But in the video, the driver of the SUV used a 2-ton vehicle in a lethal fashion against an unprotected and unarmed person.


When she instigated the situation by blocking what may or may not have been a legal maneuver and was called on it, she reacted by trying to anger the rider further. He may have overreacted by trying to dent her fender, but in no way was he threatening her life.


She responded to that by trying to kill him. I don't see that as an appropriate response to a non-lethal reaction to a situation she instigated. She could have reported him. Or driven away and ignored a bad situation. But instead she tried to CRUSH him against another car, then RUN HIM OVER, and finally CUT HIM IN HALF with a lightpole.


I can only hope she gets convicted of attempted murder.


He's not a pedestrian. He's a guy on a bike that kicked a woman's car.


And you type a lot of stuff acting as though you know who was thinking what and who intended to do what. Fact is you don't know. Maybe she didn't mean to cut him off. Maybe her foot slipped. Maybe the dude fully intended to kill her once he got off his bike and started walking at her.


Here's what I know: (1) a guy kicked a car for some reason that does not appear readily justified to me by watching the video; (2) people can't cry foul after instigating or escalating a situation; (3) don't kick people's cars unless you're ready for retaliation.

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I think she went way too far. That being said, I'm kinda surprised by some of the responses that is was acceptable for him to kick the car. This is a car enthusiast website. Most on here would agree that fucking with someone's car is completely unacceptable. If you do... expect the worst.


This guy seems to get it.

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