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Fiat people and paint/Body guru's....

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Has anyone heard anything about New fiat paint sucking?

My neighbor is pulling her hair out over her new Fiat, in fancy Mocha color.


In the month she has owned it, it has picked up twice as many road chips as her previous 300E did in its 2 years of service on the same commute.


I'm looking at this these chips, they're down to the plastic.


Looking under the edges and the bits that were masked to stay black.... it doesn't look like this thing was primed. The base color of the plastic bumper cover is black, the innards of the chips are black, the thin paint on the underside of the radii shows through to black, and I'm not seeing layering.


It looks as though this paint comes away from it's base very easy... and the dealerships solution is to sand them down and spot paint them? And they fought and fought her to get to that point.

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