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Furloaf wins the thread. You need more than a big slab of beef to maintain healthy physiology. We're Omnivoirs with a bias to plant matter: A vegitarian diet can be tailored to produce a healthy human body, a soley carnivourous diet cannot.


Did you know that dinosaurs went extinct 70 million years before monkey men started walking around?


fucking LIES!



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Furloaf wins the thread. You need more than a big slab of beef to maintain healthy physiology. We're Omnivoirs with a bias to plant matter: A vegitarian diet can be tailored to produce a healthy human body, a soley carnivourous diet cannot.



Paleo has nothing to do with only eating meat. In fact, there is a lot of plant matter in the diet. Just no grains.


I fail to see how the belief that calories are calories, no matter their source or content is 'winning this thread.' It's a nieve, completely false belief.

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A diet named after evolutionary failures?


The first step to any successful it eliminating anything that includes High Fructose Corn Syrup; you're body doesn't know what to do with it, so it just turns it into storage; fat. It is not sugar, fuck it.



A sugar is a sugar is a sugar. There are studies that show that the only difference is that HFCS gets absorbed into your blood a bit faster, but otherwise your body processes it the same. The problem is that it is so prevelent in foods, that socities sugar intake has skyrocketed. You would see the same results if you cut as much cane sugar from your diet as you did HFCS.

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Fucking holy shit! HAHAHA Some of you need to learn what you're talking about before coming in here and spouting your ignorant shit. Seriously, so many of you in here are spouting shit you know ZERO about. Many of you are right about some things and not about others. I would try to sift through the shit for the gems, but there's just too much mixed and misinformation here for me to know where to begin. (Plus, I should be doing a ton of other shit right now.)


However, if you're serious about a change in diet and you would like a little knowledge and wisdom from a couple who've lost over 100lbs since Oct 30 2011 (I've personally lost just over 70lbs) and whos doctors are saying "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.", then feel free to pm me. I haven't felt better in years. Many of my serious digestive problems are gone, now, too. It's amazing how much of an impact it's had on everything in our lives, especially our relationship. Now, that I've spent some time as a fat man, I know I'll never go back. haha


PS - I havent increased my activity level one bit and I'm not using drugs. lol

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Fucking holy shit! HAHAHA Some of you need to learn what you're talking about before coming in here and spouting your ignorant shit. Seriously, so many of you in here are spouting shit you know ZERO about. Many of you are right about some things and not about others. I would try to sift through the shit for the gems, but there's just too much mixed and misinformation here for me to know where to begin. (Plus, I should be doing a ton of other shit right now.)


However, if you're serious about a change in diet and you would like a little knowledge and wisdom from a couple who've lost over 100lbs since Oct 30 2011 (I've personally lost just over 70lbs) and whos doctors are saying "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.", then feel free to pm me. I haven't felt better in years. Many of my serious digestive problems are gone, now, too. It's amazing how much of an impact it's had on everything in our lives, especially our relationship. Now, that I've spent some time as a fat man, I know I'll never go back. haha


PS - I havent increased my activity level one bit and I'm not using drugs. lol

Please, enlighten everyone with the knowledge that makes you superior.


Just because someone was never morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know a thing or two about nutrition. You can't just come into the thread and say, 'wow there are a bunch of idiots in here that don't know anything, but I do" without calling certain people out or listing some specifics.


Since cutting out wheat, not changing anything else, and still not exercising regularly, I lost 9% of my body weight and my acne has almost disappeared. I didn't do this to lose weight, as I didn't think it was possible, but it just sorta happened. There are plenty of cases of people on insulin that went wheat free and either no longer need it, or have greatly reduced their dependence on diabetic meds. The same goes for many conditions that have been proven to be influenced by wheat or a gluten spectrum disorder.

Edited by Mallard
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Fucking holy shit! HAHAHA Some of you need to learn what you're talking about before coming in here and spouting your ignorant shit. Seriously, so many of you in here are spouting shit you know ZERO about. Many of you are right about some things and not about others. I would try to sift through the shit for the gems, but there's just too much mixed and misinformation here for me to know where to begin. (Plus, I should be doing a ton of other shit right now.)


However, if you're serious about a change in diet and you would like a little knowledge and wisdom from a couple who've lost over 100lbs since Oct 30 2011 (I've personally lost just over 70lbs) and whos doctors are saying "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.", then feel free to pm me. I haven't felt better in years. Many of my serious digestive problems are gone, now, too. It's amazing how much of an impact it's had on everything in our lives, especially our relationship. Now, that I've spent some time as a fat man, I know I'll never go back. haha


PS - I havent increased my activity level one bit and I'm not using drugs. lol




Its easy to lose weight ass a fat ass, cut cals and boom. Let me know how the next 50lbs goes. LOL

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A sugar is a sugar is a sugar. There are studies that show that the only difference is that HFCS gets absorbed into your blood a bit faster, but otherwise your body processes it the same.


Cite those studies, what they criteria studied, and who carried them out. There are many sudies to the contrary, and the industry has been in high-gear defense mode since they were published. They'ye pulling a full Philip-Morris. A sugar is a sugar, and HFCS is not a complete "sugar", it's a monosaccaride. Fructose is absorbed from the digestive tract by a different mechanism than glucose. Fructose exists in nature (Fruct means fruit), but it is NEVER alone in nature. Isolating it confuses your innards.


Since cutting out wheat, not changing anything else, and still not exercising regularly, I lost 9% of my body weight and my acne has almost disappeared...There are plenty of cases of people on insulin that went wheat free and either no longer need it, or have greatly reduced their dependence on diabetic meds. The same goes for many conditions that have been proven to be influenced by wheat or a gluten spectrum disorder.


Your condition is unique and it outside the spectrum of this general discussion. Your specific body has a problem with wheat, and your mention of Insulin indicates that the other people benfitting from this also have specific health anomolies. Have you had your tyroid checked?


Counter point: Sardinia. The longest living people on the planet live on that island, and they eat the shit out of some grain and dairy. Grains have been a staple in human civilzation for 7000 years.

It is only recently that we're seeing negative reactions to it in young people... because there are 7'damn'billion of us and 90% of the civilized world just went through a couple of generations of pysiological abuse that has produced a myriad of problems within thier offspring... who then bred with eachother an dcompounded things. Rampant diabetes and gluten intolerance come from "the sins of our fathers".


What is the statistical significance of the studies you mentioned? Are those wheat-associated ailments pervasive or rare? You're going to find them to be rare. Grains are a red herring for the majority of us.


There is also an important distiction to be made between "Being Healthy" and just "loosing weight". Example; one of our chemists is my height and 10lb lighter. He and his wife subscribe to some diet who's name I can remember. This guy litterlay passed out in a meeting that went an hour over past lunch, because he didn't get his snack. He is capable of exactly zero physical exertion.... but hey, at least he's thin amirite?

Focusing soley on diet will make you weak and kill you.


Eat a veggie-biased diet, made stuff as close as possible to its natural form, then go outside and doooo something. Eat yourself full no more than twice a day, and just deal with being hungry the rest of the time.

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Your condition is unique and it outside the spectrum of this general discussion. Your specific body has a problem with wheat, and your mention of Insulin indicates that the other people benfitting from this also have specific health anomolies.


No it's not outside the spectrum of this conversation, and my body does not have specific problems related to wheat. If you had actually read any of what I posted you would see that. My wife is gluten intolerant, I am not. I quit eating it in order to minimize cross-contamination in our kitchen and we are keeping our son off of it for as long as possible. I don't want questions of why mommy and daddy have different plates for dinner. Also, after reading study after study on the effects of wheat on the human body for the past 3 years as I researched my wife's condition, I decided it probably wasn't the best thing for me to be eating either. The risks outweigh the reward to me.


It's funny that you mention having a thyroid checked, because a lot of problems caused by wheat are similar to symptoms from thyroid problems. Usually doctors check their thyroid, find everythings normal, then send them on their merry way.



Counter point: Sardinia. The longest living people on the planet live on that island, and they eat the shit out of some grain and dairy. Grains have been a staple in human civilzation for 7000 years.

It is only recently that we're seeing negative reactions to it in young people... because there are 7'damn'billion of us and 90% of the civilized world just went through a couple of generations of pysiological abuse that has produced a myriad of problems within thier offspring... who then bred with eachother an dcompounded things. Rampant diabetes and gluten intolerance come from "the sins of our fathers".


Counter-counter point: Today's wheat has 3x the gluten content due to genetic modification through hybridization when compared to the wheat from pre~1980. The rate of wheat-induced illnesses around the world has been on the rise. It's be linked to everything from autism, alzheimers, certain types of arthritis, gastro-intestinal issues, heart disease, and the list goes on. It has 3x the genetic material of human DNA and contains far more proteins as well. Any of those proteins can be absorbed into your blood stream and cause an autoimmune reaction. Wheat is the number one cause of autoimmune disorders as well.


Two slices of wheat bread will spike your blood sugar more than a snickers bar. It's also an appitite stimulant and on average people eat ~440 extra calories per day when including it in their diet.



What is the statistical significance of the studies you mentioned? Are those wheat-associated ailments pervasive or rare? You're going to find them to be rare. Grains are a red herring for the majority of us.


I could sit here and link you to study after study that links wheat to a large specturm of disorders, but you probably still won't believe anything I say. Feel free to Google Gluten Spectrum Disorders and see the full range. You are comparing the fight against HFCS to Phillip Morris defending cigs, but the agriculture lobby is much more powerful, so why would you believe anything they say? They have already tried to discredit the author of Wheat Belly, but they couldn't with scientific data, so they have resorted to trying to dig up personal dirt on him, even going so far as to pull his credit report.


These effects are not rare, they are widespread. Not everyone has Celiac, but it effects people in different ways. Feel free to go to the links I provided and try to refute anything they are saying.


EDIT: Here I googled it for you - http://www.spectracell.com/media/presentation-slides-the-gluten-sensitivity-spectrum.pdf

You can try page 14, and 26-35 for the gist of it. Dr. Osborne has videos on eother YouTube or his web site where he talks over this presentation.



There is also an important distiction to be made between "Being Healthy" and just "loosing weight". Example; one of our chemists is my height and 10lb lighter. He and his wife subscribe to some diet who's name I can remember. This guy litterlay passed out in a meeting that went an hour over past lunch, because he didn't get his snack. He is capable of exactly zero physical exertion.... but hey, at least he's thin amirite?

Focusing soley on diet will make you weak and kill you.

I went on the diet in order to be heatly, not to lose weight. Considering I started at 5'8" 135 lb, 28" waist I have no reason to want to lose weight. In fast, now I am trying to gain weight, because my intension was not to lose any. Even though I do not have time to work out (8 month old in the house) I am still active and in decent shape. Two weeks ago it was nice outside so I ran a quick 2 miles with no problems. I am by no means thin and sickly.


Eat a veggie-biased diet, made stuff as close as possible to its natural form, then go outside and doooo something. Eat yourself full no more than twice a day, and just deal with being hungry the rest of the time.

But what you just mentioned IS, or very well could be, a GF or paleo diet!

Edited by Mallard
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I don't want questions of why mommy and daddy have different plates for dinner.


Why? I eat differently than my son and welcome the questions. Getting them to realize that different people have different requirements is a healthy thing. It may keep him from eating like the footbal team in highschool, whilst he's in the chess club.

I'm also raising him on my own.The key to working out is integrating the kid into your physical labors. I tossed out the stroller at a very early age and carried him, got him a bike seat as soon as his head could support a helmet, and thse days (he's 6) he can pedal his own bike as far as 10mi at a time with me running along. I also developed a "prison workout" scheme for after his bed time: Convicts stay ripped in an 8x8 cell, I can do the same stuff in my livingroom.


The rate of wheat-induced illnesses around the world has been on the rise.


The rate, or the occurance? Occurance is relative to popularion, so as the population doubled over the last 35 years, so would the occurance. Many people have associated many ailments with many things (Jenny McCarthy), which I why I always ask for source data. I'm going to look into that hybridization, you've caught my interest there.


...on average people eat ~440 extra calories per day when including it in their diet.


It's a huge source of carbs, too, ya gotta use it. I'm a carb-loarder (as well at glycogen), I'm away of what it contributes to your body. People who eat a lot of anything and don't burn it off are certainly going to gain weight. It's not the grains fault that people are lazy. ;)


but the agriculture lobby is much more powerful, so why would you believe anything they say?


I don't know anything about what they say, I'm not quoting any industry studies. I'm pointing to statistics and 7 millenia of human dietary trends. It's part of our evolutionary history and it's still working just fine in a great many people.




I went on the diet in order to be heatly, not to lose weight. Considering I started at 5'8" 135 lb, 28" waist I have no reason to want to lose weight.


Yeah, you need that 9% back. Swinging the other way, to date my greatest physical acheivements occured when I had a higher fat content in my body, and that was likey beneficial. Spending a few days lugging 40lb around the upper Troposphere with a static amount of food tends to put a drain on your physical resources, especially when you puke. :p This marathon will be my first "difficult" physical expendature since loosing the weight.

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Cite those studies, what they criteria studied, and who carried them out. There are many sudies to the contrary, and the industry has been in high-gear defense mode since they were published. They'ye pulling a full Philip-Morris. A sugar is a sugar, and HFCS is not a complete "sugar", it's a monosaccaride. Fructose is absorbed from the digestive tract by a different mechanism than glucose. Fructose exists in nature (Fruct means fruit), but it is NEVER alone in nature. Isolating it confuses your innards.





No it doesn't. It is just absorbed faster. I am not going to cite something that is literally all over google. If you want to keep your opinion that it is different, then go for it, but reality is that almost all research is inconclusive. I mean, hell, just a short quote


Marion Nestle, a professor in New York University’s department of nutrition and a longtime food industry critic, says that Americans consume too much of all types of sugar, but that there is no meaningful biochemical difference between table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
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Please, enlighten everyone with the knowledge that makes you superior.


Just because someone was never morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know a thing or two about nutrition. You can't just come into the thread and say, 'wow there are a bunch of idiots in here that don't know anything, but I do" without calling certain people out or listing some specifics.


Since cutting out wheat, not changing anything else, and still not exercising regularly, I lost 9% of my body weight and my acne has almost disappeared. I didn't do this to lose weight, as I didn't think it was possible, but it just sorta happened. There are plenty of cases of people on insulin that went wheat free and either no longer need it, or have greatly reduced their dependence on diabetic meds. The same goes for many conditions that have been proven to be influenced by wheat or a gluten spectrum disorder.

Haha, I'm actually on your side for much of what you said. I will say this, however, if you're sure in what you're doing, why are you so defensive and immediately assume I was attacking you? Also, I freely offered my opinions to anyone who was truly interested through pm's. I don't have all day to argue in a thread with people who "guess" at things. And I'm not going to come in here and start calling people out or replying to be specifically rude to someone. That's all.




Its easy to lose weight ass a fat ass, cut cals and boom. Let me know how the next 50lbs goes. LOL

Another big mouth who speaks without knowledge. :rolleyes: Exactly the kind of thing I don't want to waste my time with.



I'd like to add something real quick. I hardly pay attention to who posts what. Only what they post. Generally, when I make a comment, there's zero regard to who made it depending on the subject. In this thread, it wasnt important to me who made some of the comments, only the comments themselves. As I said, I didn't want to single people out, etc, that wasn't the point of the thread.

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Another big mouth who speaks without knowledge. :rolleyes: Exactly the kind of thing I don't want to waste my time with.


Yup, i know nothing lol.... :dumb:





i know more about diet/nutrition and working out than you could ever fathom.

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Yup, i know nothing lol.... :dumb:


Jesus Christ...


I'm not saying that you know nothing. I'm saying that you don't know me, what I know, or how my personal weight loss is going, yet you still make a specific comment about me. That's what I was refering to. Now, please try to stop taking everything so personally. (You can take this next comment personally, however.) It's like dealing with a sensitive little girl. ;)

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Jesus Christ...


I'm not saying that you know nothing. I'm saying that you don't know me, what I know, or how my personal weight loss is going, yet you still make a specific comment about me. That's what I was refering to. Now, please try to stop taking everything so personally. (You can take this next comment personally, however.) It's like dealing with a sensitive little girl. ;)


No, i do this everyday all day long. This is my job, to help people achieve their weightloss goals. I don't care what you know. I understand you lost weight but i also understand how easy it is to manipulate very minor changes to your intake with out any increased exercise. What i was saying is, once you get to a certain point it becomes a lot harder to lose the pounds than just diet change.


When you can train a bodybuilder to sub 5% bf levels then you can talk down to me, untill then keep on with what your doing.


If you feel you know more go ahead, talk to me about water, sodium and potassium manipulation and how it affects normal body functions and how you can manipulate it to give the illusion of striations.

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No, i do this everyday all day long. This is my job, to help people achieve their weightloss goals. I don't care what you know. I understand you lost weight but i also understand how easy it is to manipulate very minor changes to your intake with out any increased exercise. What i was saying is, once you get to a certain point it becomes a lot harder to lose the pounds than just diet change.


When you can train a bodybuilder to sub 5% bf levels then you can talk down to me, untill then keep on with what your doing.


If you feel you know more go ahead, talk to me about water, sodium and potassium manipulation and how it affects normal body functions and how you can manipulate it to give the illusion of striations.


Again, you're taking offense where none was offered. I never debated your personal knowledge and I also agree with your 1st paragraph here 100%. :confused: I felt I was pretty specific about the only thing you said that bothered me in my last post. What else would you like me to say before you finally stop "reading into my comments" and taking things so personally? haha

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A sugar is a sugar is a sugar. There are studies that show that the only difference is that HFCS gets absorbed into your blood a bit faster, but otherwise your body processes it the same. The problem is that it is so prevelent in foods, that socities sugar intake has skyrocketed. You would see the same results if you cut as much cane sugar from your diet as you did HFCS.


You are absolutely correct, carbs are essential when it comes to weight training of any sort. Glucose plays a major role in not only feeding the muscle but also recovery.

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Again, you're taking offense where none was offered. I never debated your personal knowledge and I also agree with your 1st paragraph here 100%. :confused: I felt I was pretty specific about the only thing you said that bothered me in my last post. What else would you like me to say before you finally stop "reading into my comments" and taking things so personally? haha


It became personal when you came in here and tried to belittle everyone in this thread with your wealth of knowledge. Alot of these people are pretty spot on.


No one person is the same our bodies react differently to certain things. I burn through fat, but carbs will put weight on me in a heart beat. Other people burn through carbs but blow up on a high fat diet. What works for you will not work for the next person.


If you have something to offer or feel differently about another theory please post it up. That's what this thread was about, your opinion on the PALEO diet.

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What's your height and weight ?




Fucking holy shit! HAHAHA Some of you need to learn what you're talking about before coming in here and spouting your ignorant shit. Seriously, so many of you in here are spouting shit you know ZERO about. Many of you are right about some things and not about others. I would try to sift through the shit for the gems, but there's just too much mixed and misinformation here for me to know where to begin. (Plus, I should be doing a ton of other shit right now.)


However, if you're serious about a change in diet and you would like a little knowledge and wisdom from a couple who've lost over 100lbs since Oct 30 2011 (I've personally lost just over 70lbs) and whos doctors are saying "Whatever you're doing, keep it up.", then feel free to pm me. I haven't felt better in years. Many of my serious digestive problems are gone, now, too. It's amazing how much of an impact it's had on everything in our lives, especially our relationship. Now, that I've spent some time as a fat man, I know I'll never go back. haha


PS - I havent increased my activity level one bit and I'm not using drugs. lol

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It became personal when you came in here and tried to belittle everyone in this thread with your wealth of knowledge. Alot of these people are pretty spot on.


No one person is the same our bodies react differently to certain things. I burn through fat, but carbs will put weight on me in a heart beat. Other people burn through carbs but blow up on a high fat diet. What works for you will not work for the next person.


If you have something to offer or feel differently about another theory please post it up. That's what this thread was about, your opinion on the PALEO diet.


No, I said there was misinformation in the thread. That if anyone was interested in what had been working for us, I would discuss it in a pm. THe thread was already falling apart. You took it personally. I said it wasn't meant to be personal. Again, I agree with what you just said completely. However, some people in here were quick dismiss certain things that I know can work.


If you know what you say is right, then why would you assume I was attacking you in the first place? Even now, when I keep telling you I wasn't "belittling anyone with my wealth of knowledge", (and I still think you're reading way too much into my first post), even saying that was not my intent if that's how you took it, and restated in different words my first post, you still make comments like your last one to me all while scolding me about disrespect... I'm not going to continue to argue about it. I feel I've made myself clear. If you'd like to continue to somehow take offense, then continue on. I don't feel like getting pissed off over this. And you're right, it should've only been about the paleo comments. After reading some of the other comments, I got derailed, as well. lol

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Haha, I'm actually on your side for much of what you said. I will say this, however, if you're sure in what you're doing, why are you so defensive and immediately assume I was attacking you? Also, I freely offered my opinions to anyone who was truly interested through pm's. I don't have all day to argue in a thread with people who "guess" at things. And I'm not going to come in here and start calling people out or replying to be specifically rude to someone. That's all.


Never took it personally, I was simply pointing out that you can't come into a thread and say, 'a bunch of you are wrong, a few are right, I know the truth,' without calling a few people out or explaining you position.

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Why? I eat differently than my son and welcome the questions. Getting them to realize that different people have different requirements is a healthy thing. It may keep him from eating like the footbal team in highschool, whilst he's in the chess club.

There was a lot more to the decision, and this was only one small part of it.


I'm also raising him on my own.The key to working out is integrating the kid into your physical labors. I tossed out the stroller at a very early age and carried him, got him a bike seat as soon as his head could support a helmet, and thse days (he's 6) he can pedal his own bike as far as 10mi at a time with me running along. I also developed a "prison workout" scheme for after his bed time: Convicts stay ripped in an 8x8 cell, I can do the same stuff in my livingroom.

C'mon. He's 8 months old, he has been sick multiple times this winter (he's in daycare during the day), he's had two trips to the ER in an ambulence and third in my car, he's had 2 multiple-day stays in the hospital, and he's currently having another reaction to medication. Do I need to say more?



The rate, or the occurance? Occurance is relative to popularion, so as the population doubled over the last 35 years, so would the occurance. Many people have associated many ailments with many things (Jenny McCarthy), which I why I always ask for source data. I'm going to look into that hybridization, you've caught my interest there.

The rate of occurance, as in the percentage of the population. Currently about 1% is Celiac, but 6% have gluten spectrum disorders.


quick hybridization link with pics of why what you eat now is called dwarf, or semi-dwarf wheat: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2012/02/it-aint-rhight/



I don't know anything about what they say, I'm not quoting any industry studies. I'm pointing to statistics and 7 millenia of human dietary trends. It's part of our evolutionary history and it's still working just fine in a great many people.

Again, not the same wheat as previously cultivated.



Yeah, you need that 9% back. Swinging the other way, to date my greatest physical acheivements occured when I had a higher fat content in my body, and that was likey beneficial. Spending a few days lugging 40lb around the upper Troposphere with a static amount of food tends to put a drain on your physical resources, especially when you puke. :p This marathon will be my first "difficult" physical expendature since loosing the weight.


I cannot keep on weight for the life of me. I have always been thin and in high school I was 125 lbs, could run 2 miles in ~12 min, took medals at the city swim meet, held a school record with the relay team, and could do an infinate number of pushups without getting tired. I have a fast metabolism and low body fat. Even when I would eat 2+ doughnuts per day in addition to all my normal food I would only be 136 lbs. I drink 2 protein shakes a day, do push ups in the morning and night and eat my normal three meals a day with occasional dessert after dinner. The only difference since going GF is the additional protein shake.

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