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I do 30 day paleo diets a few times a year..


The first 3-4 days, you feel like you have a hangover by eliminating the processed foods and refined sugar. After that, you'll notice your body will have more energy, be more focused and sleep better.


It takes some discipline to follow it. PM me for some recipes

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Crossfit junk LOL it and this stupid diet needs to die.




would you prefer doing nothing at all and the slim fast "diet"?


There are quite a bit of douchebaggy crossfitters that can leave a bad taste but calling it junk would make me think you are very misinformed about what crossfit is. Sprinting, rowing, gymnastics and oly lifting are excellent ways to increase power, strength, metabolic conditioning and flexibility.

Edited by black00ws6
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This is mainly why. Most I have ran across act this way.....Guessthey have left a bad taste in my mouth.


Sorry to hear.. I know quite a few that are the almighty worker-outers that think crossfit is king of all.


To be honest, if someones ass if up off the couch doing physical activity then I don't care what they do.


I've been crossfitting since 2005 and have seen all sorts of dbag comments on message boards.



Back to the paleo diet.....


like others have said; add in GREENS to what you eat.. Spinach, pretty much should eat every day. Grains, get rid of them. Think of what they feed chickens and cows to fatten them up. GRAINS! Eat foods DENSE in nutrients, grains are low on the nutrional scale.

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I repeat:




If they could build and custom fit all the lasers and missiles and other bullshit onto the dinosaurs, why didn't just just build vehicles that were faster, more maneuverable, heavily armoured and all around better than the dinosaurs.

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  • 2 months later...

Wanted to say how much I appreciate learning about the existence of Paleo/Primal from this board. I've been on it fairly strictly for a little over 8 weeks.


I've lost over 40 lbs (a little less than 20 to go).


Not a big cross fit fan but I did go back to basic free weights (dumbbell 4 on/1 off mix). I am back up to curling/pressing/rowing the 60s (which was a good as I ever did when I was in shape 20 years ago). This shit works and it feels pretty sustainable over the long term.


I just picked up Rippetoe's book, Starting Strength which emphasizes a power lifting approach to strength training focusing on squats, deadlifts, clean/press, etc. Although I won't be following his program to the letter (especially the "GOMAD" diet, the "if you use gloves you're a pussy", ...)


Anyway, funny how small things can lead to something bigger/better. Thanks again you guys.

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Wanted to say how much I appreciate learning about the existence of Paleo/Primal from this board. I've been on it fairly strictly for a little over 8 weeks.


I've lost over 40 lbs (a little less than 20 to go).


Not a big cross fit fan but I did go back to basic free weights (dumbbell 4 on/1 off mix). I am back up to curling/pressing/rowing the 60s (which was a good as I ever did when I was in shape 20 years ago). This shit works and it feels pretty sustainable over the long term.


I just picked up Rippetoe's book, Starting Strength which emphasizes a power lifting approach to strength training focusing on squats, deadlifts, clean/press, etc. Although I won't be following his program to the letter (especially the "GOMAD" diet, the "if you use gloves you're a pussy", ...)


Anyway, funny how small things can lead to something bigger/better. Thanks again you guys.

Nice work! Glad to hear someone tried it out and it's working for them.


On a somewhat related note, Bill O'rielly has come out in favor of a no-wheat diet. He's lost weight and lowered his cholesterol just by eliminating wheat from his diet. The moment he said this on the air he was attacked by wheat lobbiest's.

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I cut off my manhood and went (95%) Vegan over a year ago. My cholesterol dropped 100 points in 3 months.


I don't care so much about the feelings of animals just how they impact my body. It definitely isn't for everyone but it's working for me and my family.

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