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La Revolucion

Guest Hal

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Fellow trolls and members of CR who wish to change the status quo, our demands have been heard by the highest levels of the administration. These are the decision makers, the backbone of CR. They are sympathetic to our grievances and are working toward a mutually beneficial solution. The abuse of powers by substandard mods will stop. This has been the chief demand all along, that those who would violate the trust imparted on them by the administration will be held accountable for their actions. I had a dream, and it is becoming a reality. Specific violators of our "rights" aside, the issue will be handled by those who have the power to do so. There is no longer a requirement for a war of attrition, nor is there a need for martyrs. We have prevailed, hallelujah.


Those of you who choose to break the written rules, you will be dealt with accordingly. There is no term of guaranteed anarchy, there now exists a rule of law. If you don't like it, feel free to start your own CR cultural revolution. Following my successful campaign, I am retiring. Barring any future failures (i.e., a certain mod banning 5 of us out of vengeance), I do not see a need for me to return to the spotlight as a voice for change.


Enjoy your equality, my twisted brethren. It was an easy win, but a win nonetheless.

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