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*** The infraction system has been updated***

V8 Beast

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Due to a significant increase in infractions across the board the current system has been updated. The infractable behaviors are the same, however the auto-ban time frames and infraction points have been increased.


  • If you have active infraction points this change could contribute to you being banned for longer than expected if undesirable behavior(s) continue before your points expire.


  • If you walk the line constantly your infractions will increase in severity. Over time your ability to frequent the forum will be impacted if your actions do not change.


  • There will be very little tolerance for breaking rules in the for sale area. If you find an issue pm a mod/admin or pm the person that created the thread.
    Simple rules to follow in the for sale area:
    If you dont plan on buying dont post.
    Dont question the price publicly.


  • There will also be very little tolerance to excessive trolling all over the forum. The term excessive is relative so if I were you I would just stay in the Kitchen area.
  • Bans can occur outside of the infraction system as Admins see fit. Infractions are not the only means of forum discipline.


There are a few of you that will take it to the edge so Im reluctant to tell you specifics on points. Just know your actions will have big enough consequences that if you want to test the system repeatedly now... hopefully you change your tune in 2013 when you are able to come back.

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I guess I find any infraction system where we dont know the rules or guidelines , flawed from the get go. Sounds like a biased system IMO. Not that it matters because I know it doesn't.


The rules are posted around in various places.


I expect to be infracted within 45 mins of the introduction of a new system. Let's do this.

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Not that it's a big deal, but can you please clarify this part:

If you walk the line constantly your infractions will increase in severity. Over time your ability to frequent the forum will be impacted if your actions do not change.


How can one be given a stricter punishment when they were not given points/punishment for a specified behavior? Seems like a built in loop hole to manipulate the system at will at mods discretion so bans can be given out even though the person is still within the rules.

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Not that it's a big deal, but can you please clarify this part:

If you walk the line constantly your infractions will increase in severity. Over time your ability to frequent the forum will be impacted if your actions do not change.


How can one be given a stricter punishment when they were not given points/punishment for a specified behavior? Seems like a built in loop hole to manipulate the system at will at mods discretion so bans can be given out even though the person is still within the rules.


I walk the line all the time. If I step over it, because of my history, I will receive a more severe penalty. Everyone knows who the people are that toe the line. It sounds like it's built in to be able to effectively punish someone for a string of abuses which simply did not all cross the line. That's the way I read it.

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Not that it's a big deal, but can you please clarify this part:

If you walk the line constantly your infractions will increase in severity. Over time your ability to frequent the forum will be impacted if your actions do not change.


How can one be given a stricter punishment when they were not given points/punishment for a specified behavior? Seems like a built in loop hole to manipulate the system at will at mods discretion so bans can be given out even though the person is still within the rules.


One doesnt walk the line without warning. If you ignore the warnings you open yourself up to being infracted. Keep in mind mods have always been able to make judgement calls at their own discretion. Nothing has changed but the points for infractions and ban lengths.


Stop assuming, if we dont want you here we can just ban you. This is for those that wear their infractions like a badge of honor.

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Thanks for the info. I was under the impression the warnings were not given. If they are then continued behaviors after a warning are fair game.

No prob...

The changes with the for sale area will do the most damage. For some reason people have trouble following rules in there.




Also keep in mind that no one in this thread so far has active infraction points and normally follows the rules.

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Thanks for the info. I was under the impression the warnings were not given. If they are then continued behaviors after a warning are fair game.


I personally dont think I've ever recieved a warning. Moderators either hit me instantly with an infraction or ban me.

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No prob...

The changes with the for sale area will do the most damage. For some reason people have trouble following rules in there.




Also keep in mind that no one in this thread so far has active infraction points and normally follows the rules.



The F.S. section should be set up like this:




I've stated that for a while now. They cut out all the B.S., conversations are kept to PM's etc. If you want to complain about something F.S. start a thread in the Kitchen.



I have one active infraction, and a Warning (Trolling Admin). I'm not sure what it was for because it's marked as Private. Kinda defeats the purpose. If the reasons and eligibility for receiving infractions is going to be revamped, revamp how they are dished out. How do I know what not to do if I can't go back to look at it?


Furthermore the Frac Trigger should have a stiffer spring so that Mgt. isn't so quick to pull the trigger simply because they "think" it's deserved. My last two were reversed because the posts given weren't understood and lack of knowledge on the subject manner.

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People throw the term "trolling" around too loosely. What is it exactly? Who are these people? Additionally, I would call it "having fun at the expense of someone else". If that is the case I think we are all guilty.


The term is as over used as Cordells fleshlight.


Srs though, F.S. section is out of hand and could use a revamp.

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The term is as over used as Cordells fleshlight.


Srs though, F.S. section is out of hand and could use a revamp.


If its so out of hand, why don't people just post an ad, then the ad is instantly locked. Pm the seller for details, negotiations, etc. It doesn't need to be a public discussion.

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we are open to suggestions


In post 12 is a link for another forum I'm on. All discussions happen through pm's. No questions. I don't know if that format could be set up here or not though. I would imagine it could.

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If its so out of hand, why don't people just post an ad, then the ad is instantly locked. Pm the seller for details, negotiations, etc. It doesn't need to be a public discussion.


That could work as well, but might be a nightmare to manage.

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People throw the term "trolling" around too loosely. What is it exactly? Who are these people? Additionally, I would call it "having fun at the expense of someone else". If that is the case I think we are all guilty.


Here are 3 forms of trolling that will get you infracted...


Purposely breaking rules to get a rise out of people. Like when people post in the chat box about breaking rules right before they shit in for sale threads.


Instigating outside of the kitchen. Disagreements are fine.. A 3 paragraph instruction manual on how you should go fuck yourself after being told to stop is not.


Purposely posting in inappropriate sections. Like the guy that recently made a thread in the tech section asking to be infracted. :dumb:



The rest of the trolling is harmless and funny when done right.

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