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Latest Verizon OTA breaks rooted tethering? Help


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So I'm running a rooted Thunderbolt.


Last week Verizon starts trying to infect me with their latest OTA. Hurray. No thanks Verizon, I'll keep my root on and your bloatware off. Go suck one.


So I go searching and find the rooted version of the OTA here:



I'm using the Rooted, deodexed, debloated version there.

Flash went fine. All good.

I'm up on 211.605.19


I also updated the radios (link at same place) so all is up to date.

That update went fine. All works.


But now--- Open Garden Tether doesn't serve anything up to my PC when tethered.


It'll allow the connection from the PC, but nothing comes thru.




I needs me some tether (doesnt have to be Open Garden)




btw - I Titanium backup'd everything and nandroid backup to. I'd prefer not to rollback but I will if I have to.



(Oh one last thing, I did rename my /etc/security/OTAcerts to otacerts.bak for a "just in case" protection that I don't need to have to continue to deal with this damn verizon OTA push attempt. got tired of waking up to the little android wtf! icon frozen on my phone when it tried ot ninja me during the night.)

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I don't want to use another ROM. Tried BAMF in the past, didn't like.


This ROM working fine for me but after the update Tethering (tried both Open Garden and WIFI Tether 3.14) both act like it can't resolve a dns or something.


The PC connects to the phone, and the tether apps don't force close or anything, but any request sent from the tethered PC just hangs before timing out. On the phone watching the tether dashboard its like no data comes down. The upload data totals tick up like normal. download = zip.

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I have a thunderbolt and have not had any kind of push. bamf cubed with sense 3 works best for my phone. Currently I am using KillaSense with sense 2.1 and it is just the same as bamf. But I would try a complete wipe and restore a nandroid backup. Make sure to wipe dalvik cache!
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I noticed there's an update to it that says wifi tether fix...maybe you had the one without it?


I would try a complete wipe and restore a nandroid backup. Make sure to wipe dalvik cache!


I'd start here too.

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Defnitely already wiped the dalvik.


Can't get this running. Seems the ROM does work with tethering - at least according to other people. With this radio updte too.


Oh well. Ok looks like i'm going to flash back to my previous.


Anyone recommend a good reliable update blocker?

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I thought clockworkmod blocked the updates? I know for sure it did on my OG Motorola Droid.


If you run a stock rom you will get the OTA notifications. Some devs take it out, other don't.


It's the otacerts file that supposedly does the updating, but it doesn't seem to work for everyone if you just rename it.


I bet if you change the build.prop file to say you have the current OTA it will stop bugging you too.

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If you run a stock rom you will get the OTA notifications. Some devs take it out, other don't.


It's the otacerts file that supposedly does the updating, but it doesn't seem to work for everyone if you just rename it.


I bet if you change the build.prop file to say you have the current OTA it will stop bugging you too.


Oh yeah he did mention stock rom in the previous post. Boo to that :p

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I ended up not rolling back the ROM. Figured out that I had changed my DNS to something other than Google (which of course is blocked). so on the new ROM load of course these went back to


I just changed those to Open DNS addresses and voila! back in business.

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Is the Thunderbolt still on Sense 2.1 OTA's?

Mine was, so was this OTA. Annnd the ROM I downloaded that preserved root and debloat and deodexed.


I may be a wierd duck but I like it just peachy. Last update has made it all speedy and fast n stuffs. (Course thats more to thank to the jrrocker developer than to htc's devs......)

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