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wiggers LOL

Green Bastard

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so everybody was chillin at hd, some 20ish kid comes up (holdin a bottle of something, I assume he was prolly drunk) askin who called him a wigger. nobody says they did, but the guy keeps goin on about it. guys friend walks up talkin about how the fight is going to be one on one or he is gonna whoop someones ass. he proceeds to brag about how well he can fight cause he has a black eye and he just got out of jail and he is from "the hilltop in the bottoms". so the second guy that walked up takes off his shirt and sneeks someone (I believe the guy with the blue civic with the unpainted hood, or one of his friends). a crowd starts forming and the two guys start talking even more shit to the entire crowd, swearing they were gonna whoop everyones ass (50+ people), and that they were from the west side, talkin bout makin that money, yet they get laughed out of hd and they drive away in a busted ass tracker or some shit with a couple hood rat lookin chicks.


cliffs: 2 wiggers try to start a fight with anybody they can. one of the two guys hits another guy. threaten to beat up everyone in the parking lot. get laughed at so hard they leave.


ps. I believe someone called 1 800 grab dui.




wiggers... lol

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Hey guys, I'm new to this whole car scene. Has anyone ever seen overly aggressive, semi-drunken behavior before? I can't believe people would act like that around cars. I am so glad no one was body slammed and that no one had to pull an Sks.
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That happened in the 80s.

Then it happened in the 90s.

Then it unfortunately repeated itself in the 00's.


Turns out it showed itself in the 10's as well.


It is, always has been, and always will be...





"Never, ever give 2 shits about the ones dancing around and screaming. ALWAYS worry about the quiet one walking up to you."

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Hey guys, I'm new to this whole car scene. Has anyone ever seen overly aggressive, semi-drunken behavior before? I can't believe people would act like that around cars. I am so glad no one was body slammed and that no one had to pull an Sks.




Old school bro, old school.

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Was waiting for someone to post this.


At first it was funny. :lol:


Then I was like woah this dude is nuts.



I called 911 as he seemed like he had a gun or something. That's the last thing we need is to have someone shot.




I wanted to pound both of their faces in for that shit.

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I laughed when we got back and everyone was saying they wished I was there... Wtf am I??? Everyone's bodyguard ?? Calling 911?? Really rocky? No one got hit dummy. He swung and missed one of Marties boys. You guys clearly don't handle confrontation well, someone should have either just slid him, or y'all could have ignored him.
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I laughed when we got back and everyone was saying they wished I was there... Wtf am I??? Everyone's bodyguard ?? Calling 911?? Really rocky? No one got hit dummy. He swung and missed one of Marties boys. You guys clearly don't handle confrontation well, someone should have either just slid him, or y'all could have ignored him.


You weren't there, I was right next to the guy. Shit was funny for a few, and then it got serious when he got in everyones face. I have had guns pulled on me before. And was looking out for everyones safety.


It wasn't just a typical punk trying to start stuff.. He was a hoodrat wigger that was possibly packing. And I wasnt trying to find out.



Sorry for being an ADULT and letting the cops handle the situation.

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Next time stomp the shit out of them, wait for cops to show, it's their story vs. 50 of yours story, they go to jail = WIN!!


There were more people in the car they got out of.. Yes with 50 people I have no doubt we could have knocked them out. But were adults.. There is no need to stoop to their level.



Seems its a lot easier for people that were not there to say kick their ass..


There are select few that would make me nervous to fight.. I was not scared of the punks at all if they came after me. What made me nervous is they seemed like the type to have a gun..

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Even if I carried, like I said there were others in the car. So who knows what they could have had.


And most people that go to home depot I would HOPE they dont carry a gun LOL..


Definitely a very "adult" place to go...

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Even if I carried, like I said there were others in the car. So who knows what they could have had.


And most people that go to home depot I would HOPE they dont carry a gun LOL..



Glad I'm not most people :dumb:


Calling the police would have resulted in more police Watching the lot and prolly would have been the start to the end of hd. I saw the video it was two guys talking shit but not being about nothing. I shouldnt have to get calls saying I need to be somewhere when theres 50 of you. That should have been someone handling the situation. Yes the "adult" thing to do is Handel it. I handeled

A situation earlier in the nite w/ no violence. It ain't hard, someone shoulda just stepped up.

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generally the people that go to hd are there just to kick it and have a good time. it was amusing at first, but there was someone there who had his young daughter there. kinda shitty she had to witness what she did, however rocky I believe handled it properly, if not just for the sake of the little girl. I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt. I'm sure those boys wont be back though, as they're ego's were probably pretty badly bruised.
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Definitely a very "adult" place to go...


It actually is depending on who is in your group.


Glad I'm not most people :dumb:


Calling the police would have resulted in more police Watching the lot and prolly would have been the start to the end of hd. I saw the video it was two guys talking shit but not being about nothing. I shouldnt have to get calls saying I need to be somewhere when theres 50 of you. That should have been someone handling the situation. Yes the "adult" thing to do is Handel it. I handeled

A situation earlier in the nite w/ no violence. It ain't hard, someone shoulda just stepped up.




More police to stop the dumb ass people flying through the parking lot? Keeping it safe for the people who are there to bull shit and talk about cars?


The situation earlier in the night was nothing like these 2 dudes..


The adult thing to do is not to "Step up and handle it".


They WANTED violence, thats why they kept running their mouth. Thats why the faggot already had a black eye.


The only reason people called you and talked to you when you got back is because you like DRAMA. And you enjoy talking shit to people.



Sorry I have a wife, a house, and a kid on the way.... I guess at some point you will mature too :megusta:

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It actually is depending on who is in your group.


Obviously your groups are not set in stone if young ruffians can come in and cause a ruckus so easily. It's ok though, continue being an adult, hanging out at a random Home Depot after closing.

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More police to stop the dumb ass people flying through the parking lot? Keeping it safe for the people who are there to bull shit and talk about cars?


The situation earlier in the night was nothing like these 2 dudes..


The adult thing to do is not to "Step up and handle it".


Sorry I have a wife, a house, and a kid on the way.... I guess at some point you will mature too :megusta:


More police to decide that the activities taking place should no longer be tolerated, causing you "adults" to go find a new place to hang out. How do you not know how things function with these various spots?


The adult thing to do is not to put yourself in a testosterone rich, trouble prone environment. Especially if you have a wife, house, and a future kid. I guess at some point you will mature too.

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It actually is depending on who is in your group.






More police to stop the dumb ass people flying through the parking lot? Keeping it safe for the people who are there to bull shit and talk about cars?


The situation earlier in the night was nothing like these 2 dudes..


The adult thing to do is not to "Step up and handle it".


They WANTED violence, thats why they kept running their mouth. Thats why the faggot already had a black eye.

The only reason people called you and talked to you when you got back is because you like DRAMA. And you enjoy talking shit to people.





Possibly all valid points. I still don't think you needed the police to handle that lil issue. Someone should haves downed them the second he swung on that dude. Just my thoughts. It needed fine so it's all good

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