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What exactly happened with Bruce Hooley? I never figured that out, I just remember one day he was gone.


In the end he was kinda right but it's all about how you do/say things. He went after Tressel and Pryor and them the second that stuff started coming out. Was calling for Tressel's head, calling him a phony, said his OSU degree was worthless to him now because of what he thought the school now represented, etc., etc. He and Tressel never got along (Tressel made Hooley look like a fool multiple times at press conferences) so he pounced on the opportunity to personally attack him when it presented itself and got run out of town because of it. Once he was fired he started tweeting like crazy and had a blog site and did special pieces attacking OSU and Tressel for anyone who would take his work. Went on radio shows all over the country saying OSU was basically the dirtiest school ever and needed to be essentially given the death penalty.


Some people I know (including the Torg/"Ellis" troll) and I trolled him mercilessly on twitter once we learned that he had been involved in a car accident a long time ago where he may or may not have been intoxicated and his friend died as a result. He plead down to some lesser charge and it was a loooooooong time ago so not many people know about it.


Last I knew he was working at Cleveland's ESPNRadio affiliate.

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Just coincidentally happened to be talking about Torg being trolled during the "Ellis" thing with the guy who did it... here's his story of how it started/how it happened...


Torg ran his mouth on the air about seeing "pictures" sent to him from "Ellis". then got on twitter and told everyone that was the one that sent Torg the pictures, and it was just a big elaborate troll.

It was so bad that Lori Schmidt, the girl who does all the espn score breaks on the channel, got on o-zone and made a thread about it, pleading people to not believe [me], and swearing up and down that Torg was a good guy, and not a liar... A thread in which literally everyone on the board used as an opportunity to tee off on The Fan. It was fucking awesome. shut that fuckstick completely down.


Started off as an email, then he wanted to talk in person, and I said no because I didn't want my "identity revealed". So he agreed to a phone call because he wanted to confirm that I was real. He was BEGGING me for info, so finally I told him I had pictures of the memorabilia. I faked being leery of sending him the pics. SO then I told him I'd send him the pics if he promised not to show anyone else. So I took pictures of a bunch of OSU shit from my parents basement bar room and sent them to him. Then I told him I was going to Indy to be interviewed by the NCAA. Then he wanted to have me on the show via phone, I agreed to it. The day I was supposed to be on the air is when I blew it up and made him look like a retard.


The stuff in brackets in the first quote I edited a bit because it had the fake twitter account he used and I don't want people going on there and messing with him/blowing his cover. He still trolls a lot of people on the account who deserve it.

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