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*Update* On my R6...


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wow that head/valves looks like it has grime on it from the 60's ..... damn

something is definitely amiss

Street motors get so much gunk that you'd be amazed... Ask any performance engine builder and they'll tell you. Guys who bring in race bikes to have motors built with street miles typically have to be cleaned thoroughly as the valves get shitty from street use...

Looks fairly typical...

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I get pissed when know it alls chime in and say shit like it should be done by now. Seriously, they are probably like any other shop and are over a week out on scheduling. The people they have on right now that are due to get their bikes and came in BEFORE the OP, need to be taken care of.

He got in pretty quick in my opinion for such a deeply involved job.

But what do i know, right? You're the "engine builder"....

There you go again..showing your ass.

Nowhere in anything I have ever posted on this site.....let alone this thread , have I ever said I was a motor builder.

But if a shop sell me a bum fucking bike.....a month ago.....It will be one of the first fucking things they will work on if their was a problem when it was bought.

I dont care what else is there...or when it came in.

Especially if it was after I bought the bike.

But whatever dude....your just a dick....and I know that.....and so do many others....so I will let it be.

You can't help it.

I'm sorry.

Good Luck with your bike OP....I hope it all gets fixed up lickety split and you can put this behind you.

Edited by MattKatz
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There you go again..showing your ass.

Nowhere in anything I have ever posted on this site.....let alone this thread , have I ever said I was a motor builder.

But if a shop sell me a bum fucking bike.....a month ago.....It will be one of the first fucking things they will work on if their was a problem when it was bought.

I dont care what else is there...or when it came in.

Especially if it was after I bought the bike.

But whatever dude....your just a dick....and I know that.....and so do many others....so I will let it be.

You can't help it.

I'm sorry.

Good Luck with your bike OP....I hope it all gets fixed up lickety split and you can put this behind you.

Nice third grade blow off... Really.

The engine builder comment was sarcasm. My pointing out you're an idiot isn't. The month long drama has included several trips but in about a week's time, he sat down with Aaron (I somewhat recommended him to do so) and has gone from office visit to tear down and inspection rather quickly for a busy shop.

See, IF you were an engine builder or worked at a busy shop, you'd know that this time of year is VERY slammed for shops. You'd also know the length of time and labor involved in getting this done.

BUT, as you so eloquently put it - you're not an engine builder... So, I understand now. Thanks.

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I still LOL @ you.

I know exactly how busy shops are....But circumstances change(or should) how things are handled.

I would never go to that shop from reading this fiasco....and especially after seeing that mess of a shop in the pics.

My damn garage is more organized when I tear my own bike , car or weedeater apart in it....and once again..I dont do it for a living...but I don't need to , to know a clean space is a happy place.

I am not trying to have snappy comebacks for you...Its real simple...your an ass....and you constantly show it by belittling other members with your comments ..and I won't put up with some assholes shit without commenting back.

You think you are better than everyone else....I just happen to think you are pretty full of it and I am not afraid to tell you so.

You opened this can of worms with me...Not I.....I never said anything to belittle you or the OP(other than asking about his mechanical aptitude) and you had to put your shiny nickels worth in like you are gods all knowing gift to all on how things work and should run.

I simply said this shop ios dragging their feet....They should be bending over backwards to make this right....Or simply take the POS back and make it simple.

Either way....If this was my Bike....It would have been dealt with one way or the other by now....That's all.

And by the posting of others...I am not alone in this thinking.

However...what I need to say has run its course in this thread and I will not comment in here again (unless its to someone other than you and it's constructive).

My thoughts were stated...and you made my point for me.

Thanks again.

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But if a shop sell me a bum fucking bike.....a month ago.....It will be one of the first fucking things they will work on if their was a problem when it was bought.

I dont care what else is there...or when it came in.

Especially if it was after I bought the bike.

:plus1: They can tell the other customers who didn't buy the bum bike from them that they sold a POS to a customer and need to push that customer to the front of the line.

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I just want to go on record and apologize for the post I made. This topic is none of my business and requires no input from this end of the keyboard. My comments were unwarranted and unnecessary. It is late' date=' I am tired and my balls itch.

That is all.[/quote']


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I just want to go on record and apologize for the post I made. This topic is none of my business and requires no input from this end of the keyboard. My comments were unwarranted and unnecessary. It is late' date=' I am tired and my balls itch.

That is all.[/quote']Its all good....I am a bit testy as well.

and some of what you said was Valid.

I guess we can all sit here and say "What If?"

I simply hope they make it right....thats all I am going to say. :D

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before i joined this forum i had strong feelings about middletown.. after all this can anyone tell me i was wrong?? this is just a bunch of people arguing about what a shop should do. i agree with MattKatz all the way. you have a problem you deal with it before anything else. if youre a good shop you wouldnt have a problem. like my previous post states they have a shit load.. i just hope word spreads out quickly enough for the shoppers to realize that they are about to be caught in a trap.. fuck the busy season and all that.. theyre in business all the time (hopefully not for long) and they need to improve on their services. theyre not a specialty shop. anyone can go anywhere and buy a yamaha. they dug their own grave by selling shitty bikes and giving horrible deals.

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i think their chance of redeeming themselves, at least on this forum are slim to none. they better do a hell of a job for anyone here to actually recommend them to anyone. and they better not fuck up after that because people will know. i wanna hear from an individual who knows nothing about how to buy a bike and who actually walked out with a great deal on their hands from that place. no disrespect to Dave i wish you the best of luck dude.. shit happens.. the only thing is hold off on praising the place that put u in a bad spot.. let them prove themselves to you.. you gave them enough proof when you shelled out your hard earned dollars.

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i think their chance of redeeming themselves, at least on this forum are slim to none. they better do a hell of a job for anyone here to actually recommend them to anyone. and they better not fuck up after that because people will know. i wanna hear from an individual who knows nothing about how to buy a bike and who actually walked out with a great deal on their hands from that place. no disrespect to Dave i wish you the best of luck dude.. shit happens.. the only thing is hold off on praising the place that put u in a bad spot.. let them prove themselves to you.. you gave them enough proof when you shelled out your hard earned dollars.

I couldn't agree more dude.... I think out of all the BS flying you said it best...

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Street motors get so much gunk that you'd be amazed... Ask any performance engine builder and they'll tell you. Guys who bring in race bikes to have motors built with street miles typically have to be cleaned thoroughly as the valves get shitty from street use...

Looks fairly typical...

Is this because they require a very high RPM cleaning that they just don't get often on the street or what?

If I looked at those pictures I would never have guessed that was a 3 year old bike motor..... but I haven't really spent much time looking at other examples either.

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damn dude.... and there's nothing in the laws that can help ya.... I'd be driving that POS back where it came from and launch it thru the showroom window.... 'course I'd probably get arrested for it too....

I personally like this option. I strongly recommend against it, but I DO like it...

Honestly....i'd get in my full leathers and fall off the bike at about 40mph and let it ghostride into some woods and claim it as a wreck. NEW BIKE! ;)

Seriously it sounds crazy, but I would do it if it was me. I've done worse.

I like this even better.... more payout, less jail time....

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i think after talking with owner and he and i being on the same page that it made things 110% better yeah trust me i would love to have had my bike back a week ago, but the first week they had my bike they were doing various tests here and there to not have to rip the whole motor apart, like i said i am no where near mechanicaly inclined, and i hate to see fights break out over this on the forums that was by no means my intention at all, i was a disgruntled customer but like i said the owner,shop manager, and pretty the whole store of middletown and i are on the same page, i think they did a good job in not even 2 days having the motor tore apart and now there gonna replace all the seals in the motor pretty much have a new motor..ive said it many times i am impressed that they are making this there #1 ordeal in there shop and so far they have proved great customer service in getting me my bike back, there calling for next weekend since parts take 3-5 business days to get shipped, i appretiate all your guys support in this matter i mean this forum even tho ive only been here a month is like a family to me..and i said it once and i say it 100 more times all i want is to have my bike work like it should and be able to ride and enjoy it...

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i think after talking with owner and he and i being on the same page that it made things 110% better yeah trust me i would love to have had my bike back a week ago, but the first week they had my bike they were doing various tests here and there to not have to rip the whole motor apart, like i said i am no where near mechanicaly inclined, and i hate to see fights break out over this on the forums that was by no means my intention at all, i was a disgruntled customer but like i said the owner,shop manager, and pretty the whole store of middletown and i are on the same page, i think they did a good job in not even 2 days having the motor tore apart and now there gonna replace all the seals in the motor pretty much have a new motor..ive said it many times i am impressed that they are making this there #1 ordeal in there shop and so far they have proved great customer service in getting me my bike back, there calling for next weekend since parts take 3-5 business days to get shipped, i appretiate all your guys support in this matter i mean this forum even tho ive only been here a month is like a family to me..and i said it once and i say it 100 more times all i want is to have my bike work like it should and be able to ride and enjoy it...

did i just read this in the other thread?..im confused here :confused:

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Honestly....i'd get in my full leathers and fall off the bike at about 40mph and let it ghostride into some woods and claim it as a wreck. NEW BIKE! ;)

Seriously it sounds crazy, but I would do it if it was me. I've done worse.

Or have someone "steal" it.... report it , collect the insurance money and buy a new bike..... just make sure the bike ends up in a ditch/ forest somewhere wrecked beyond comprehension....

I used to work with a kid who was a bit "ghetto". He was havin' problems with his Volvo (don't ask :rolleyes:) & was gonna have it "stolen" & left in the 'hood. He said he'd done something like this before, without getting caught. Even threw a toilet in through the back window to make it look more legit roflmao.gif

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I used to work with a kid who was a bit "ghetto". He was havin' problems with his Volvo (don't ask :rolleyes:) & was gonna have it "stolen" & left in the 'hood. He said he'd done something like this before, without getting caught. Even threw a toilet in through the back window to make it look more legit roflmao.gif

When I lived in San Diego, I knew a guy that just drove his car to Mexico, left it there, reported it stolen and got the insurance $$

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Dave (and Aaron, since you're purportedly watching this thread)......Has there been anything cemented yet about the "taking care of most of it" cost comment? I agree with others that that's a pretty "blanket" statement. Leaves me a little uptight in my stomach as I look at the time/labor involved in those pix....And it's not even my bike/wallet

I truly hope this situation works out for you Dave! I know the disappointment & anger you're feeling now, having had an old Yami I'd just bought years ago start acting up several weeks after I bought her. I felt like a kid at Christmas with a broke toy he couldn't play with & needed returned. At least mine was 20 years old though......Yours is only 3....And came from a dealer

Hopefully that works to your advantage though, and gives you recourse

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