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Fast and Furious Investigation


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Interesting read. Cliffs: Article purports ATF didn't directly allow guns to walk, but were unable to intervene because of lack of applicable gun laws. I thought straw purchases were illegal though. Anyways, touches upon some scary topics like national gun registration.

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So basically the Mexican Government can't controll the Drug Cartells, neither country would like to secure their borders. They want to blame all of this on the 2nd amended granted to us by the US constitution. Maybe if they secured the borders and get rid of the drug cartels, this would have never been an issue. Kind of funny that CNN barely touched this story until they find a way to stick it to the right wingers. Gotta love biased media.
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If this story is true, then it tells me that the ATF agents started an interdiction program without having any idea of how to make it successful. Sounds like incompitance to me. These retards can't come up with a formidable plan before they started the program. Now the lack of gun laws is to blame.
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obama using executive privilage over the documents that congress requested was a shady fucking move.


somethings awry.


Cover peoples asses. It's all government and bureaucracy does anymore.




lol. I wish he would be charged with murder. It won't ever happen though.

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obama using executive privilage over the documents that congress requested was a shady fucking move.


somethings awry.

Honestly, why must the public know everything? There's probably a lot of stuff in there that paints a poor picture of the US due to the 'colateral damage' of their methods. I thought this was a pretty good read: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/26/opinion/granderson-fast-furious/index.html?hpt=hp_t2


And just to clarify, this program has spanned the Bush and Obama administration.

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Honestly, why must the public know everything? There's probably a lot of stuff in there that paints a poor picture of the US due to the 'colateral damage' of their methods. I thought this was a pretty good read: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/26/opinion/granderson-fast-furious/index.html?hpt=hp_t2


And just to clarify, this program has spanned the Bush and Obama administration.


Maybe because the foundation of American government is the idea of a government "by the people, for the people." Sure we have elected representatives, but that does not change the ideal that we as citizens, not subjects, are the true government.

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Remember this from 2009?




Hillary Clinton was going around spouting off that Mexican drug cartels were being armed by American gun dealers. So of course they had to turn that farce into a reality.




In this operation, which began in the fall of 2009 and continued into early 2011, the federal government purposefully allowed known or suspected gun smugglers to purchase guns at federally licensed firearms dealers in Arizona. The government did not seek to abort these gun purchases, intercept the smugglers after the purchases, or recover the guns they had purchased.


So yeah, this was done completely to back up Clinton's false accusations in an attempt to make a dent in our second amendment rights. Since guns weren't really crossing the borders they had to allow it to begin in order to create a problem that "needs fixed" when there was no problem before. I really don't understand why nobody is arguing this.

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Maybe this is my take on the matter, but if you wanted to set up some form of operation like this, the ATF is far from the organization I'd give the green light to. Given their track record, it's hard to say they're not a failed Gov agency.


If they were a business they would have failed, hard.


Sadly, they just go to congress and say mOAR MUNY PLEZE and continue to operate.

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Remember this from 2009?




Hillary Clinton was going around spouting off that Mexican drug cartels were being armed by American gun dealers. So of course they had to turn that farce into a reality.






So yeah, this was done completely to back up Clinton's false accusations in an attempt to make a dent in our second amendment rights. Since guns weren't really crossing the borders they had to allow it to begin in order to create a problem that "needs fixed" when there was no problem before. I really don't understand why nobody is arguing this.


I've supported this argument. I hate conspiracy theories, but I firmly believe F&F had this goal from the very start.

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With all disrespect to the Mexican "government", they're too corrupt and poor to deal with these cartels. Not to mention, I can only assume there are plenty of folks on this side of the Rio Grande stuffing Ben Franklins in their pockets. Money is power no matter how you slice the pie. It speaks louder than actions, and persuades folks to forget any presence of morality.
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