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Obamacare Stands


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I love how they are calling it a tax. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't taxes typically for things you actually buy, or do? Not what you don't do? Shit sounds shady to me. I'd also like to hear who voted for it? I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if those two twats that Obama elected to the SC voted for it. I absolutely hate both of them anyways.


Which brings up my next question; who's genius idea was it to allow one branch of the .gov to appoint members of another? So much for checks and balances.

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How are they going to fine you if you don't have job or money? Because that's about to happen.


The "fine," as I understand it, is applied to your taxes. That's the loophole which supposedly makes this constitutional. Chief Justice Roberts wrote that it was only constitutional as an exercise in the government's ability to tax, not under its ability to regulate commerce.

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So, is it time to start the armed revolt yet?


Just wake me when it's time, my alarm is hit and miss.


Dead honest I would not be suprised if there are a few who try. Arm enough stupid/crazy people and anything is possible.

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Dead honest I would not be suprised if there are a few who try. Arm enough stupid/crazy people and anything is possible.


The problem here is not the SCOTUS nor is it this ruling. The problem is that congress has failed to listen to the citizens and decided to act alone, as moral superiors. If this is the event which spurs some sort of uprising, I will be truly saddened by the ignorance of those who would take part in such action. The true problem existed when congress passed the law. Sadly, the SCOTUS decision appears to be correct. That being said, just because something is interpreted as constitutional does not make it right.

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I have a great idea for how to fund this lets cut military spending a little bit. Do we really need to be able to successfully win multiple conflicts at the same time when we don't even have ONE major conflict within our boarders (CURRENTLY)?


Also helping other humans is supposed to be human nature. If that isn't your core thought process I suggest you reevaluate your belief system.

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I have a great idea for how to fund this lets cut military spending a little bit. Do we really need to be able to successfully win multiple conflicts at the same time when we don't even have ONE major conflict within our boarders (CURRENTLY)?


Also helping other humans is supposed to be human nature. If that isn't your core thought process I suggest you reevaluate your belief system.


I have no problem helping others, I have a problem helping those who just leach off the system and so should you.


I think this mandate is going to just futher the leaching along until we end up like these dirty EU countries.


You don't want to help yourself than you can go fuck yourself.

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Also helping other humans is supposed to be human nature. If that isn't your core thought process I suggest you reevaluate your belief system.


Arguments based on universal morals are rarely successful. We are still animals, and quite selfish ones at that.

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Arguments based on universal morals are rarely successful. We are still animals, and quite selfish ones at that.


I never said humans or the system was a perfect one. Likewise anything is possible, especially to "money grubbing hoebags" that run this country.

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It’s amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness.

People need to be fed, medicated, educated, clothed, and sheltered, and if we’re compassionate we’ll help them, but you get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right. There is great joy in helping people, but no joy in doing it at gunpoint.

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Dead honest I would not be suprised if there are a few who try. Arm enough stupid/crazy people and anything is possible.


its how this country was started, amirite? that kinda talk these days will get you labeled as a domestic terrorist.




I have a great idea for how to fund this lets cut military spending a little bit. Do we really need to be able to successfully win multiple conflicts at the same time when we don't even have ONE major conflict within our boarders (CURRENTLY)?


Also helping other humans is supposed to be human nature. If that isn't your core thought process I suggest you reevaluate your belief system.


Fuck other people. In the grand scheme of the universe, you and I are insignificant specks of nothing.

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The problem here is not the SCOTUS nor is it this ruling. The problem is that congress has failed to listen to the citizens and decided to act alone, as moral superiors. If this is the event which spurs some sort of uprising, I will be truly saddened by the ignorance of those who would take part in such action. The true problem existed when congress passed the law. Sadly, the SCOTUS decision appears to be correct. That being said, just because something is interpreted as constitutional does not make it right.


I would take exception with Robert's position. I do agree that it is within the powers of Congress to lay and collect taxes. No problem. If they had written the individual mandate to be a credit that you get when you have/buy insurance and you don't when you don't - still constitutional.


Congress and the President *not* structuring it that way and specifically arguing that it's not a tax and is, instead, a usage of their power under the Commerce Clause and then Roberts waving his magic wand and converting it into a tax is what I take *great* exception with.


Talk about your fucking judicial activism. Roberts and the majority did not rule, they re-interpreted (specifically against the language and intent of the legislature).


The individual mandate should have gone down 5-4 (the four being the douche bags that believe the Commerce Clause trumps everything and there is nothing that the federal government cannot force you to do) and returned to Congress with a sticky note that said, "Make this part a tax and you're fine."

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