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Google will not let you shop for guns / gun related items


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Saw this on another board... sad.


Google has instituted new policy in there shopping feature and is in the process of censoring and removing all fire arms related results the shopping section that many of us use to compare prices.




What can you do other then the obvious of switching search engines to Bing or one of the other search engines? You can leave feedback telling them how displeased you are with there new policy.


1. Go to Google

2. Search for gun related thing such as "9mm ammunition"

3. Select "shopping" as type of search

4. See that no results are found because Google is being an anti gun jackwagon

5. In bottom right click Give Us Feedback

6. Select Google's search results weren't helpful.

7. Select Other

8. Type something describing how you feel about there decision and your choice to no longer use there search engine.


Repeat several times a day. Tell your other gun buddies to do the same. Spread the word statistics vary but anywhere from 80,000,000 to 160,000,000 gun owners in the U.S. Let's see how Google feels about losing that many users.

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I think it's like Ebay. The anti-gun policy is more for legal reasons than ideological ones. I think they far more interested in covering their legal asses and making money rather than taking a political or moral stance. But anyhow, i'm still complaining lol.
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I noticed this last night. Sometimes when I watch gun reviews I will google the name/model of the gun to see what it sells for on average. I have tried a few gun names off the top of my head and they don't show shopping results.


This was working less than a week ago...

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What. The. Fuck. Why do I feel like all my fucking rights are being taken away from me????? Bullshit. This country is going down the shitter faster than I can shit on a laxative. SMH.


1001th amendment: The right to google :p

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What. The. Fuck. Why do I feel like all my fucking rights are being taken away from me????? Bullshit. This country is going down the shitter faster than I can shit on a laxative. SMH.


LOL. Good thing our forefathers still had the right to google shop. Hahaha.

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Is there actually any proof that this is a new Google policy? I know that Google recently switched from Google Checkout to Google Wallet and we had to make a few changes in order for things to show up correctly. These things don't just magically show up, the seller needs to send Google a file with their products.
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