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Had a 3TB disk go "blank" on me within the last week or so out of no where. Was probably a little over half full and now when I boot up the server it's on it just shows up as a blank disk ready to be formatted. I'm going to pull it from the server and hook it into my regular PC tomorrow probably to give it a look but just wondering if anyone had any experience with something like this. I've been building/modifying computers for a long time and have never had something like this happen. Have had 1 drive go bad in all my PC history but never had one just go "blank" and still show up perfectly fine wanting to be formatted.
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It's this...




I bought 2 of them for $110 each on sale before the crazy floods that sent HDD prices through the roof last year. The 1 in this computer is working perfectly fine still and the one that's now "blank" seems like it's fine just the data is gone for some reason.

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It's this...




I bought 2 of them for $110 each on sale before the crazy floods that sent HDD prices through the roof last year. The 1 in this computer is working perfectly fine still and the one that's now "blank" seems like it's fine just the data is gone for some reason.


Well, you get what you pay for! :dumb: Those reviews SUCK!


Why would you have a "Server" that contained a single, non-RAID, non-backed up Hard Drive Arrangement?



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Oh, its a Hitachi DeathStar...


See, the 1 hard drive I mentioned that I've ever had fail in my life was an IBM DeathStar. When I ordered these I saw the "DeskStar" name and was just like... well, it's not IBM so... well shit.


Why would you have a "Server" that contained a single, non-RAID, non-backed up Hard Drive Arrangement?


This is admittedly an area of computer stuff that I am not very knowledgeable in. RAID stuff. The "server" (better that you put it in quotes because it's honestly just a computer running XP with all my media files on it - had to throw it together because Windows 7 was being an asshole as far as sharing all the files with different devices in my house are concerned) has 4 HDD's in it. 3 of them filled with HD movies (a 750GB HDD and 2 1.5TB HDD's) and this 4th one (this 3TB drive) was about half full. Really have no idea how RAID works/why it would be a good idea to run it for a bunch of media files.

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