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Need to find training school for 4 year old dog


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I have a 4 year old dog and she needs to get correctional training. I am currently working overseas and left my dog in the care of my mother.


She is a female and was always a good dog with me but since I have left my mom is reporting that she is aggressive and attacks other female dogs. She does well with the other male dog in the house but will not get along with another female and attacks when my mom pays attention to other dogs that are not her. We have tried putting her with my uncle who has alot of land and other dogs but this did not work either.


This was never normal behavior until recently I came home for a week and left and this has all recently spiraled out of control in the last two months (ive been gone 6). Dog is spade and has been for 2 years.


So I need recommendations on where to send my dog (in the Columbus area) for training to correct her aggressive behavior and Im not too worried about the costs as its worth it to me to have my mother watch my dog as the vet she visits recommended that my mother send her to a house where theres no other pets and Im not comfortable just sending my dog to a foster home for the next 8-12 months but shes becoming too much for my mom to handle.



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Keep in mind, a dog is not like a car, where you take a wrench, turn a bolt, and the "problem" is fixed.


How expensive is that place? I have a 6 month, Old English Bulldog. She's been fixed and is generally well behaved, but she's started becoming food aggressive or if she has a certain treat(busy bone, rawhide bone, etc...) but not with her regular toys. She'll growl if you touch her while eating or try and take the treat. She's even lunged and snapped at the gf, who's been with her from day 1.

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