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DTM Update

DTM Brian

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Figured another one of these was long overdue.


Not sure where to start. I can tell you that business is still growing. Both with new customers and with old.


In 2010 and 2011 I saw an approximate 20% growth in business. Comparing the end of July in 2011 and the end of July in 2012 I am on track to do 50% more business for this year. :)



50% increase in business??????


The motorcycle dyno has played a small part in this. The bike dyno has already generated 160% more in business this year then all of 2011. This is due to the increased Harley Davidson tuning that I have received from several local dealerships.


However doing the math. The bike dyno is only responsible for about 11% of the 50% increase for 2012.


The rest of increase has come from the car dyno and small increase in mail order business for both GM and Ford.



So if you are so busy Brian. Where are all the dyno graph graphs and videos?


Good question. I really do not have an excuse other then that I am super busy. LSX tuning is booming for me along with a nice increase in the newer mustangs (5 liters and GT500's). I have also had a number of requests for "other" tuning needs that is working out as well.



I never thought DTM could survive on tuning alone. I thought for sure I would need labor to keep the doors open and continue growth. Fortunately I have a handful of garages to refer customers for install work and other businesses for part sales. This in turn generated tuning business. For the longest time I kept saying I am going to try and expand in these areas. After giving this much thought I am going to keep doing what I am doing.


I have had my ups and downs like any other business. However, I manage to keep pushing through them. I know I can not make everyone happy. For those people I am sorry. However the list of happy customers giving me referrals continues to grow. So I am going to keep doing what I am doing in my little hole in the wall shop.


On a side note..


I prefer to use e-mail, texting, or phone calls when trying to get a hold of me. It is much easier to respond to a e-mail from my phone then it is trying to get on the forum to respond to private messages. Just because I am not on here posting graphs does not mean I am not busy. I feel very fortunate and blessed that I am in a position that I do not need to post every tune on a internet forum to generate more business.


I am hoping to see some old friends at the September dyno day and continue to make new friends.


Take care CR members.

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Thats what hard work and great customer service will get you! Gratz!


Believe me I am trying. After 12 years I am not perfect at it and I know I never will be. But I continue to try to help those customers who are "willing" to work with me to get them taken care of.

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Click on the little silver scale under his sig, then rep away my friend







Glad business is booming, good to see other places doing well these days



Next time I see you I am going to give you a big hug. :lolguy:


At least hug your leg since that is the only thing I will be able to reach.

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man if you tuned boats...



i was just telling my dad the other,, in a few years when shits payed off i'll do another mach1 right with forged shit and 700whp... guess who will tune it... i'll try and make the sept day brosef its been a minute.

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