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I completed my setup yesterday. Dillon 550B with hornady dies for 40sw. Loaded 200 rounds of 155gr hornady xtp, half with 6.5gr of unique and half with 7.2. I just gotta say I should of done this a while ago, I've never shot such tight groups before.




Who else is reloading? Post a pic of your setup.

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These pictures are old, but all I have on my computer at the moment. I've since added a ton of stuff. I've got 50+lb. of assorted powders, over 15,000 assorted bullets, brass out the wazoo, and can load 32 different calibers. Not to mention, every possible accessory you can imagine. I really do have too much stuff. I've been tossing around the idea of buying a Super 1050 and setting it up with full automation, i.e. casefeeder, bullet feeder, autodrive, etc. That's a hefty investment, though.






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About 3 years now. My father used to have his FFL and be into reloading quite a bit, but has since given all of that up. I had been thinking about getting into it for years, so for my college graduation, he bought me an entire setup, and I've added to it quite a bit as well. There's a few things I would still like to add, but for the most part, I can reload any caliber I own, should I choose to. The logistics of having such an extensive setup can be a nightmare, though.
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