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I once had a friend


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WTF how can u fail at a bachelor party..... I own handcuffs if he needs restrained to be drug to said party..


I miss Luap I'll race anything


Paul decides he wants to have this super awesome bachelor party and open invites everyone on cr. Phil then takes it upon himself to get 2 midget strippers and a donkey for the after party. Phil then invites everyone he knows including jesus, jesus confirms he is coming. Paul finds out about super awesome party via text, email, facebook, morse code, smoke signals and any other way phil came up with to let everyone know about this 3 times a day.


Phil then decides to purchase alcohol being that he is such an awesome friend and wants to give paul the time of his life. Paul then declines sending phil into a drunken state where he rides the donkey around while shooting the strippers in his boxers, cowboy hat on and bottle of PBR in hand.





Cliffs for the cliffs:

Paul is a whiny bitch

Phil is a good friend

The donky lives







Jesus shows up late

Rapture begins








You're all fucked.

I dub you king of posts. :lol: come on out Saturday. crown has tall bar stools so u can be up with the rest of us ill be you a apple juice or something.

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Shut up faggot. This is a 50 under party, you don't qaulify


Actually I was refering to him as to not get married. If he does not go to your party, you should just go knock him out, then let the donkey have its way with him while the midget stripper rides the donkey doing blow off of its head

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Actually I was refering to him as to not get married. If he does not go to your party, you should just go knock him out, then let the donkey have its way with him while the midget stripper rides the donkey doing blow off of its head


Hahahahahaha that's so weird .... I just got a mental img of Paul getting mounted by a donkey while passed out. And the midget was leading the donkey cock up his butt.....

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We did something similar for a friend years ago. He backed out at the last minute and we all left him at home and went and had a blast in his honor, without him.


Why would you even have a blast in his honor? The worthless fuck backed out. Fuck him. I would've held the party in honor of good friends.

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So.. Just for the record, Did Luap make the mistake of telling his beloved testicle guardian there was going to be strippers at the party? That's the only reason I can forsee not wanting to be there. That or if Phil railed out your baby's mom




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So.. Just for the record, Did Luap make the mistake of telling his beloved testicle guardian there was going to be strippers at the party? That's the only reason I can forsee not wanting to be there. That or if Phil railed out your baby's mom






we believe this to be true... or she told him he was not allowed to be involed in such situation... with this in mind i did not order the midget stripper like i originally planned. he doesnt have to worry about that

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we believe this to be true... or she told him he was not allowed to be involed in such situation... with this in mind i did not order the midget stripper like i originally planned. he doesnt have to worry about that

poor Luap.



so you're passing out goody bags at midnight? I just assumed strippers were the preferred party favor of a bachelor party.

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I will gladly stand in for Paul/Luap....


In fact, maybe I will knock him unconscious, and try to convince everyone I am him for the evening.




PS, seriously speaking: Who the fuck wants to just sit at some random bar for their bachelor party? I would have to almost guarantee this has something to do with your fiance saying she didnt want you going out/strippers/girls or something....

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I will gladly stand in for Paul/Luap....


In fact, maybe I will knock him unconscious, and try to convince everyone I am him for the evening.




PS, seriously speaking: Who the fuck wants to just sit at some random bar for their bachelor party? I would have to almost guarantee this has something to do with your fiance saying she didnt want you going out/strippers/girls or something....


That tells you just how depressing a guy he has become. Seriously, Crown bar? At least get dressed up and go have some fun somewhere nice ya dirty poor codger.

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For the record, I went to 4th St Live in Louisville for the 'night portion' of my bachelor party.... I dont remember much directly from the night, but the memories I do have are GREAT and the stories I am told to fill in the blanks make it even more memorable, hahaha.
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I will gladly stand in for Paul/Luap....


In fact, maybe I will knock him unconscious, and try to convince everyone I am him for the evening.



PS, seriously speaking: Who the fuck wants to just sit at some random bar for their bachelor party? I would have to almost guarantee this has something to do with your fiance saying she didnt want you going out/strippers/girls or something....


you guys ever think im not into big partying or dirty strippers?? Maybe its what I want, i could give two shits what the hell everyone else wants to do.


and who ever knows me knows that i love crown and would rather go threre then anywhere else..why ?Again its what I want and what I like... see the pattern here?




That tells you just how depressing a guy he has become. Seriously, Crown bar? At least get dressed up and go have some fun somewhere nice ya dirty poor codger.


I did my fun clubbing days 5 years ago. over places thaats packed to the rim, thats takes 10 minuites to get a drink, and cant hear your self think. huh what do you know maybe i am getting old. :fuckyeah:




Not even the slightest mad. Going shooting in the morning, wings and buckeye game in tghe afternoon, crown at night get summm

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My wife didnt like the idea of woman taking all their clothes off either... I comprosed and had the bitch leave her socks on.


We're they atleast ankle socks??? No one likes a woman with tube socks.


Idk what is going through Paul's head rite now. At first I figured $ was a determining factor of such a mediocre event. Then his persistence to stay at crown led me to believe other factors (his woman guilt Trip) led him to his current state. Sam pointed out tht the woman he used to be in love with is the bartender at crown and how fitting for him to want to spend his last nite w/ her.... I feel by the time everyone departs from crown he will have changed his mind cause no one wants to be alone for a bachelor party.

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you guys ever think im not into big partying or dirty strippers?? Maybe its what I want, i could give two shits what the hell everyone else wants to do.


and who ever knows me knows that i love crown and would rather go threre then anywhere else..why ?Again its what I want and what I like... see the pattern here?






I did my fun clubbing days 5 years ago. over places thaats packed to the rim, thats takes 10 minuites to get a drink, and cant hear your self think. huh what do you know maybe i am getting old. :fuckyeah:




Not even the slightest mad. Going shooting in the morning, wings and buckeye game in tghe afternoon, crown at night get summm




No one is asking u to go clubbing or be with dirty strippers! Hell as the man of the night you will be able to get drinks rite away. And lettuce be honest, no one really knows who you are anymore cause when u met your fiancé you pretty much disappeared. We know who you are, but this whole getting old and all that other shit isn't Paul. It's someone you created to fit into your box.


R.i.p Paul brower 2007-2009 you will be missed

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Dont worry paul, Ill hang out with you at a dim, boring, hole in the wall bar in reynoldsburg. Thats more my style too. Except for the reynoldsburg part. I might even wear my nice slacks for this. Maybe we can go back to my place afterwards and play some gamecube?
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. We know who you are, but this whole getting old and all that other shit isn't Paul. It's someone you created to fit into your box.


R.i.p Paul brower 2007-2009 you will be missed

You know there is this thing called growing older right?




Dont worry paul, Ill hang out with you at a dim, boring, hole in the wall bar in reynoldsburg. Thats more my style too. Except for the reynoldsburg part. I might even wear my nice slacks for this. Maybe we can go back to my place afterwards and play some gamecube?

Glad atleast someone wants to gezz :lol:

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The real Paul










The new Paul :(










The old Paul will be missed by his friends

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