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Why are they so mad about the movie?


Maybe someone else could elaborate but as I understand things any depiction (good or bad) of Mohammed is strictly-forbidden in Islam, let alone a film portraying him as a child-raping barbaric idiot. Like I think you can be sentenced to death for making a film like this in some Middle East countries.

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Jesus christ that probably makes me more enraged than anything. I hope our nutless president does something aside from apologizing to the whole world.


This. That is a complete fucking joke, why the hell should we apologize for anything? They killed a US Ambassador and have attacked many US Embassy's and our President wants to Apologize???? Islam is the skum of the fucking earth, I wasn't 100% sure as to who I was voting for this election but now I am. Should we apologize to Al Queda for 9/11 as well? Why does the goverment feel like we owe something to these fucking Muslims, we don't owe them shit and we sure as hell should never apologize to them.

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This. That is a complete fucking joke, why the hell should we apologize for anything? They killed a US Ambassador and have attacked many US Embassy's and our President wants to Apologize???? Islam is the skum of the fucking earth, I wasn't 100% sure as to who I was voting for this election but now I am. Should we apologize to Al Queda for 9/11 as well? Why does the goverment feel like we owe something to these fucking Muslims, we don't owe them shit and we sure as hell should never apologize to them.


Especially for exercising our freedom of speech.

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Especially for exercising our freedom of speech.


You answered this one yourself, it is OUR freedom of speech. They don't understand freedom of speech over there. They have literally no concept of it. When they see things like this, the belief is that it was made by the US Gov. or is being promoted by the US.


Also, it's the uneducated and unemployed doing the majority of this.




We really don't have it any better over here in America. We have religious nut jobs who want to control everyone's rights as well. Hint: One of them is running for their first term as president.

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This. That is a complete fucking joke, why the hell should we apologize for anything? They killed a US Ambassador and have attacked many US Embassy's and our President wants to Apologize???? Islam is the skum of the fucking earth, I wasn't 100% sure as to who I was voting for this election but now I am. Should we apologize to Al Queda for 9/11 as well? Why does the goverment feel like we owe something to these fucking Muslims, we don't owe them shit and we sure as hell should never apologize to them.


every religion has its turn


you don't think Catholicism wasn't the scum of the fucking earth when it was used to justify the Roman Empire's takeover of other land? How about to justify the Spanish Inquisition? How about slavery of African people to cultivate crops in the New World?


Radical Catholicism has been a million times worse than radical Islamists, especially when you realize the former has caused (and tried to justify) way more deaths than the latter..........


All religion is the real scum of the Earth

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every religion has its turn


you don't think Catholicism wasn't the scum of the fucking earth when it was used to justify the Roman Empire's takeover of other land? How about to justify the Spanish Inquisition? How about slavery of African people to cultivate crops in the New World?


Radical Catholicism has been a million times worse than radical Islamists, especially when you realize the former has caused (and tried to justify) way more deaths than the latter..........


All religion is the real scum of the Earth


You're right. While Other religions/regions of the earth continue to make advances in technology and government, Islam continues to live in the stone age and attack the Western world simply out of hate and jelousy.

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You're right. While Other religions/regions of the earth continue to make advances in technology and government, Islam continues to live in the stone age and attack the Western world simply out of hate and jelousy.



The nuances with Catholicism denouncing science as heresy and killing off everyone who didn't believe what they believed are pretty slim compared with what you are saying there


again....every religion has its turn

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O wait, here comes the piece of shit that the american public elected.....

















Barack Hussein Obama


Bravo everyone. Expected nothing less from our entitlement sucking, bigoted, ignorant public. I am all for a literacy test and poll tax for voters, again.

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This is now, not 5000yrs ago. Why is our leadership not acting now? We have diplomats getting killed and embassies being raided. I would be layin some lead down as collateral, if for nothing else.


i'm not sure your ignorant self is seeing what I'm on about........*facepalm*


In any event, it is deplorable that the government isn't doing shit but it's even worse to react in a knee-jerk manner than to assess the situation fully and react accordingly


shit, the Iraq war began a good 1.5 years after 9/11........Hell, we invaded Afghanistan 2 months after 9/11

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i'm not sure your ignorant self is seeing what I'm on about........*facepalm*



Ignorant? Have you not read the news? This government has been killing its own people. Protip: it hasn't just been for the last 2 weeks.


I'm not for invading countries, but if this isn't the straw that breaks the camels back, I don't know what is.

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