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Galaxy S3 or Note 2


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So I have been eligible for an upgrade for a bit and been holding onto the iphone 4. I waited to see the iphone 5 and as much as I like it I think I want to change it up.


I really like the s3 and pretty much decided to go get it. Those who are in the know and those that have used the s3... should I wait for the note 2 or go with the s3?

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Thats proly my only dislike from my findings on the note2 is the screen size, it may be a tad too big.


Have you had any problems with the s3? It will be a big change for me from my iphone. The only thing I am going to have to figure out if my itunes collection, and how to get it on a droid.

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Thats proly my only dislike from my findings on the note2 is the screen size, it may be a tad too big.


Have you had any problems with the s3? It will be a big change for me from my iphone. The only thing I am going to have to figure out if my itunes collection, and how to get it on a droid.


I'm a bit of nerd and generally have a phone rooted and rom'd within a hour of owning it.

I seriously have less than a couple hours on the stock Samsung Touchwiz interface, but it was smooth and full of Iphone-Siri like crap if you are into that.



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Over here in Seoul I've seen tons of notes and SIII's. the notes look way to big. A lot of people have them here though. I would go with the SIII. It's just teetering on the edge of too big for my tastes, but I have an i5 so what do I know.
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I don't see any reason not to get the Note2 unless it's too big for you.

It will be every bit as fast as the S3, but larger.


(I am an S3 owner BTW, and it's a hell of a phone)


You ever find yours slow switching between screens? Or typing seems to be delayed? I have like 3 things installed.

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I took my iPhone 5 back and got the S3....smartest thing I could have done....love it. The Note is just too big, IMO. The S3 is just big enough that I can hardly type with one hand w/out the fear of dropping it. The Note is a two hander all day.


I rooted it the other day. Not changing the rom cause its that good stock. The predictive typing is a pain the ass, it sucks.

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I took my iPhone 5 back and got the S3....smartest thing I could have done....love it. The Note is just too big, IMO. The S3 is just big enough that I can hardly type with one hand w/out the fear of dropping it. The Note is a two hander all day.


I rooted it the other day. Not changing the rom cause its that good stock. The predictive typing is a pain the ass, it sucks.


Make up your mind already.

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I am due for a upgrate and cant decide between the s3 and the note2. Only things thats pushing me twords the s3 is its out right now.. any one know if there is a official release date for the note 2?


Supposedly Oct 24th, but it depends on your carrier. It's worth the wait IMHO.

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tmobile . any reason one over the other in your opinion?


Personally I want a larger screen. It's something I'll forget about after a months use and get used to it. The larger screen on the GS3 compared to my phone is what draws me to it and I know I'll want something bigger after a month of having it.


The GN2 is going to have a quad core processor compared to the GS3 dual core. The GN2 supposed to be the fastest phone out when it hits the market, faster than the GS3.


The camera is going to be exactly the same on both phones, so if that's a concern of yours than you're not missing out on anything one way or the other.


The S Pen offers some cool features, but you don't need it to operate the phone so I'll only be using it sometimes. I like how your most used S Pen apps pop up as soon as you deploy the S Pen. I think this would be extremely beneficial when talking to people on the phone that are giving you reference numbers, email addresses, directions or meeting times. No more fumbling around for a pen and paper.


It's just a smaller tablet with phone capabilities IMO, so it takes care of two gadgets at once. With all of these 7" tablets hitting the market now I don't see a huge difference in the 1.5" you miss in screen size as far as viewing, it's just more practical to carry in your pocket than a mini tablet.


Just go take a look at the Galaxy Note. They're nearly the same exact size, with the Note 2 being slimmer and a fraction larger in height but the screen will come further out the edge.

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