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Galaxy S3 or Note 2


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  • 3 weeks later...


Those rumors have been flying around for a long time about the S series and the Note. IF the Note 2 comes out with a quad core, then I will trade my Note in on one. IIRC, the Galaxy 3 in Europe got the quad core, but we didn't :fuuuu:

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Those rumors have been flying around for a long time about the S series and the Note. IF the Note 2 comes out with a quad core, then I will trade my Note in on one. IIRC, the Galaxy 3 in Europe got the quad core, but we didn't :fuuuu:


The Note 2 is coming with a quad core. The US version that is.

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Just saw that the Nexus 4 doesn't do LTE or have a micro SD slot. Both of which the Optimus G does have. The fuck?


Nexus devices no longer have removable storage.


As to why no LTE...you can pretty much blame Verizon for being a fuck of a company. They want to bloat the shit out of their phones and keep it on lockdown. They've already done their fair share of giving Android a bad name with their "Droid" line, and their version of the GNEX had issues and only got updated to Jelly Bean a week or so ago.



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