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This shit was over when the GOP took the hit about Women and now with MIT and his "47%".


I have talked with several women, even some that make up the above 250k 1%ers and they said they know they are going to take a huge hit in taxes when Obama wins, and they are going to vote for him despite that reality simply because Romney and the GOP scare the hell out of them.


It's like death, you can fight it at the end spend all this energy to delay the inevitable and make it more painful, or realize everyone does it eventually and your time is up and take a deep breath and let it happen.


Obama will be re-elected just on the stupid shit the GOP has put out there. When you can't even get all the 1%ers with a promise of a huge tax cut because you fucked up, poked your nose in woman's affairs because your religion is known in the past to suppress women's rights and clearly he follows his religion's old views of women. In the 2010 census there are 156 million women to 151 million men, big mistake by the GOP to say anything about women's care like they have. Damage has been done, the Tea Party was a huge news story in the last election to get those congressional and senatorial seats, where are they now in the media?


Welcome to 4 more years of Obama, who am I voting for you might ask or wonder? I'm not, simply because the electoral college will elect a president with or without my vote period. It's not needed. We were shown the popular vote means nothing in this country years ago.


Another fact Obama will win is no GOP candidate has ever won without Ohio's electoral votes, Obama has a commanding hold on Ohio.

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... who am I voting for you might ask or wonder? I'm not, simply because the electoral college will elect a president with or without my vote period. It's not needed. We were shown the popular vote means nothing in this country years ago.


Stop making sense... let these retards argue over the candidates a little more.

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...who am I voting for you might ask or wonder? I'm not, simply because the electoral college will elect a president with or without my vote period. It's not needed. We were shown the popular vote means nothing in this country years ago.


Exactly why I don't vote. Most people don't realize that popular vote doesn't really mean anything when the electoral college can just vote in whichever candidate they want to.

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American politics have turned into the WWE, but the story lines are not as good, the “athletes” are a step or two slower, the women are not as pretty, and the spandex not as shiny.


So really American politics are more like the professional wrestling you can go watch in a local high school gym for $10, and see them trot out a washed up hero from the past (Bill Clinton) in the hopes to get people to clap and pay attention .


I did not watch the debate, don’t care, made up my mind neither of these two have anything for me. No Ron Paul or Gary Johnson no care.


Oh and the Electoral College gives no fucks about a damn thing any of you care about or have to say DEALWITHIT.JPG.

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Voting is singularly one of the most meaningless yet powerful things an America can do.


On one hand, it feels like, when I vote, it means absolutely zero.


On the other hand, my vote counts just as much as any other citizen of this county. Anyone, even the President himself. In that sense, I am just as powerful as any other person in the United States, at least for that one moment. Yes, the sound you hear is my patriotic muscles flexing. Rawr.


As for the debate - kind of annoying, just like all the other debates. It's like 95 percent blah blah blah and 5 percent substance. The moderator did zero moderating, and that was likely the most frustrating thing for me. I want a moderator that will actually tell people to shut up, that they're off topic so they can't talk anymore, etc. Too often the candidates just say whatever they want:


Moderator: "Okay, could you tell us what you think about the economic policy in Europe and how that might affect the U.S. economy?"


Candidate: "Well, let me say this: I will create 14 trillion jobs in 2 months and then I will..."


Viewers: *cutting wrists*


One more thing: I think the candidates should have to bring a big fucking posterboard to the debate with them that outlines - in like 10 bulleted points - what they would do if they were President. Just show us what you're fucking plan is an we'll be the judge of it, thanks.

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American politics have turned into the WWE, but the story lines are not as good, the “athletes” are a step or two slower, the women are not as pretty, and the spandex not as shiny.


So really American politics are more like the professional wrestling you can go watch in a local high school gym for $10, and see them trot out a washed up hero from the past (Bill Clinton) in the hopes to get people to clap and pay attention .


I did not watch the debate, don’t care, made up my mind neither of these two have anything for me. No Ron Paul or Gary Johnson no care.


Oh and the Electoral College gives no fucks about a damn thing any of you care about or have to say DEALWITHIT.JPG.


Know your role and shut your mouth.

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I forgot to mention the media plays the role of a great wrestling announcer, they push the story line along with over the top sayings that help drive the narrative they want, trying to get the uneducated masses to start some type of chant or rhythmic clapping for "their guy".
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This shit was over when the GOP took the hit about Women and now with MIT and his "47%".


I have talked with several women, even some that make up the above 250k 1%ers and they said they know they are going to take a huge hit in taxes when Obama wins, and they are going to vote for him despite that reality simply because Romney and the GOP scare the hell out of them.


It's like death, you can fight it at the end spend all this energy to delay the inevitable and make it more painful, or realize everyone does it eventually and your time is up and take a deep breath and let it happen.


Obama will be re-elected just on the stupid shit the GOP has put out there. When you can't even get all the 1%ers with a promise of a huge tax cut because you fucked up, poked your nose in woman's affairs because your religion is known in the past to suppress women's rights and clearly he follows his religion's old views of women. In the 2010 census there are 156 million women to 151 million men, big mistake by the GOP to say anything about women's care like they have. Damage has been done, the Tea Party was a huge news story in the last election to get those congressional and senatorial seats, where are they now in the media?





i talked to my my Mom who was raised republican and usually votes republican. She REALLY does not like Romney.

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Stop making sense... let these retards argue over the candidates a little more.


I just wanted to let you know that as of 10:30am eastern standard time you are a front runner for the Most Useless Post award. This may be a little premature but I wanted to be the first to say congratulations!

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So, if you were part of that 47% would you vote for him?

This keeps getting talked about.... Do you know what the 47% was that he was referencing? And why he said what he said? (please, try to answer objectively)


the electoral college can just vote in whichever candidate they want to.


No, they cant... dont say stupid shit.

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I haven't dug into it a whole lot, but from what I have heard, I'm not sure why the average person is getting so worked up about this ''47%'' comment? Sounds to me like he's saying the lazy people need to get up off their collective asses because he doesn't plan on supporting them. For the record, I'm OK with that.
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I haven't dug into it a whole lot, but from what I have heard, I'm not sure why the average person is getting so worked up about this ''47%'' comment? Sounds to me like he's saying the lazy people need to get up off their collective asses because he doesn't plan on supporting them. For the record, I'm OK with that.


The 46.2% figure includes the elderly on Medicare (Almost half of that), Army Veterans, and plenty of people making 50+ K who still receive government assistance. He used that figure as red meat implying that 47% of Americans are the welfare queen stereotype that immediately triggers in your brain when you think food stamps. It was dishonest and deliberately deceptive. It shows that his narrative is different when he stands before his own people.

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The 46.2% figure includes the elderly on Medicare (Almost half of that), Army Veterans, and plenty of people making 50+ K who still receive government assistance. He used that figure as red meat implying that 47% of Americans are the welfare queen stereotype that immediately triggers in your brain when you think food stamps. It was dishonest and deliberately deceptive. It shows that his narrative is different when he stands before his own people.


Fair enough.

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The 46.2% figure includes the elderly on Medicare (Almost half of that), Army Veterans, and plenty of people making 50+ K who still receive government assistance. He used that figure as red meat implying that 47% of Americans are the welfare queen stereotype that immediately triggers in your brain when you think food stamps. It was dishonest and deliberately deceptive. It shows that his narrative is different when he stands before his own people.


Yeah, from a strategy standpoint, I think the whole "47%" thing is essentially suicidal. It makes him out to be some rich bigot that likes to trash poor people as he and his rich buddies smoke cigars at the country club.

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Yeah, from a strategy standpoint, I think the whole "47%" thing is essentially suicidal. It makes him out to be some rich bigot that likes to trash poor people as he and his rich buddies smoke cigars at the country club.


I think it resonated with the base at least. I have a few facebook friends who happen to work in industries in which they have much greater contact with the welfare stereotype; they sang his praises when this was released. Naturally this feels accurate when a majority of the people you encounter happen to be within the 3% of abuse that exists.


I am all for welfare reform and addressing those that do fit the stereotype. I feel my outrage is in proportion to the amount it impacts me and the federal/state budget...

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Two of the more intelligent posters on this board having an intelligent, thought-provoking conversation over politics. Retards, really?


I fall into this 47% of CR, but I am the kind of retard that is allowed to cut his own meat and ride the bus without a helper.

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The 46.2% figure includes the elderly on Medicare (Almost half of that), Army Veterans, and plenty of people making 50+ K who still receive government assistance. He used that figure as red meat implying that 47% of Americans are the welfare queen stereotype that immediately triggers in your brain when you think food stamps. It was dishonest and deliberately deceptive. It shows that his narrative is different when he stands before his own people.


No, this was his point:




He is referencing the near 50% of americans that pay nearly NO TAX AT ALL.


Keep in mind the "rich need to pay more" is just propoganda BULLSHIT... IRS Numbers:


Top 5% of Americans (making > $159,619) cover 58.72% of tax burden


The Bottom 50% of Americans (which are making <$33,048) cover 2.7% of tax burden



SO that >$50k number you thru out is bullshit also.


That "47%" of americans number he used was referencing that he can't convince those americans that his ideas are better, because they RELY and LIKE all the government spending programs, becaues they are LIVING off of them. And you cant convince them that he can reduce their tax burden, because they HAVE NONE. He was in a room full of people sharing the frustration that democratic liberals love the idea of large government programs which tax the average american, to pay for service for those that live off government programs. Sure it is 'red meat' feeding as it includes elderly/veterans/teenagers... and of course he was pandering to his audience... that's politics.


Because 16% of our taxes go to unemployment and welfare... nearly as much as the united states defense budget! (notice social security and medicare have their own pie piece, so that is NOT included in what is annoying to most fiscal conservatives)


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Yeah, from a strategy standpoint, I think the whole "47%" thing is essentially suicidal. It makes him out to be some rich bigot that likes to trash poor people as he and his rich buddies smoke cigars at the country club.


Yup, it looks horrible, even though that was not the intent, to the average american, or anyone who didnt know what he was referencing, it looks HORRIBLE and the dems seized the opportunity and ran with it.

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No, this was his point:



He is referencing the near 50% of americans that pay nearly NO TAX AT ALL.


Keep in mind the "rich need to pay more" is just propoganda BULLSHIT... IRS Numbers:


Top 5% of Americans (making > $159,619) cover 58.72% of tax burden


The Bottom 50% of Americans (which are making <$33,048) cover 2.7% of tax burden



That "47%" of americans number he used was referencing that he can't convince those americans that his ideas are better, because they RELY and LIKE all the government spending programs, becaues they are LIVING off of them. And you cant convince them that he can reduce their tax burden, because they HAVE NONE. He was in a room full of people sharing the frustration that democratic liberals love the idea of large government programs which tax the average american, to pay for service for those that live off government programs.


Because 16% of our taxes go to unemployment and welfare... nearly as much as the united states defense budget!



You are either lying or ignorant. Your big "PAY NO TAX AT ALL" capitalization doesn't make it true.




As a self-employed individual, I'd love for you to tell me that payroll tax is "NO TAX AT ALL" again.


You seem upset that we have a progressive taxation system. What do you propose as the alternative? I do hope you realize that, while you deride "liberals" for the postion of the 46.2%, republican decreases of taxes over the last 40 years might have a little to do with it...

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