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Hello CR!

My name is Ryan, I've been in to cars my entire life. Learned from my dad and been improving ever since. My first car was an 86 Dodge Daytona Turbo Z, I had it torn apart and put back together before I could legally drive. Sold it and drive my dads 79 Mustang (ugly as sin but ways ran) while I rebuilt an 82 Camaro I picked up and had for a few years and sold after high school (8mpg just didnt cut it...). 5 years ago my friend got me into DSM's. I picked up a 92 Talon Tsi awd for $400 needed a windshield and had a miss (previous owner had installed a n/t engine to be able to drive it). Found a windshield, fixed the miss and 3mo later I turbo'd it. Ran that engine hard at 14psi and no intercooler for a year and never gave me a bit of trouble! Built a 6bolt, still running the 14b, and just waiting on the day I can bolt on the holset I have for it. Picked up a 91 Talon Tsi awd for my wife recently, so clean you could eat off the underside! Needs engine work but I'll get something together for her. I've built 3 other dsm's, another one soon for a local guy and countless old chevy's, always gotta have a project! I dd my talon, she does good, full 3" exhaust, 6puck clutch, 2nd gear is junk (gotta love used transmissions....), 17's, cams, forged internals. Just put on gc's and new struts, first time this thing has had good suspension since before I owned it! Paint is bad but the body is solid and I am planning on painting her if I have time next year.




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Sold it and drive my dads 79 Mustang (ugly as sin but ways ran) while I rebuilt an 82 Camaro I picked up and had for a few years and sold after high school (8mpg just didnt cut it...).


"Ways ran".


Eingrish preez

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