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Cell Phone cholos, Droid Razor M?


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It's that time of year, my old Incredibad finally took a lethal hit. What are the collective thoughts on the current phones on the market? Is the LTE network here to stay for awhile?


Should I hold out for an Iphone 5? :gabe:


I mainly use my phone for email and storage, but I do play around with some apps. I'm not hip and don't really care about streaming media.



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Well if storage is a necessity, that rules out an iPhone. If extreme gas mileage is your pleasure, the Razr M is the way to go. I had the iPhone 5 and returned it for the S3. I highly recommend this device. It's quick, fluid and battery like is equal to my iPhone even with the massive 4.8" screen.

The stock rom is nice. I rooted it, but only for apps...no need for a custom rom. There are tons of them, if you're into that.

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S3 all the way. It sounds like you use a phone the same way I do, but I use apps a bit more. The S3 has the ability to take on more memory and has a battery that you can replace yourself.


Memory =/= storage.


You can upgrade storage but you cannot upgrade memory in an s3.


Add another for the S3. I have one and i love it.

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S3 or Nexus, Motorola and anything that has "Droid" attached to it's name pretty much sucks wiener. Got 4.1.2 on my nexus the other day, S3 is still on ICS (not for long though). Google will be announcing a (maybe even multiple) new Nexus devices on the 29th, maybe hold out to see what they have to offer.
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What's the deal with the Razor M's sealed battery, yo? Was the S3 intended to take on the iphone 5?


Can either phones do flash or java?


IPhone can't do flash. It may support HTML 5 though. A sealed battery on the M should not be an issue since it last days.

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The S3 has been hit or miss. Many people got duds. There was a software patch released but there are still a lot of people with intermittant signal issues. Would be the best phone ever if it wasnt for that. The razr m is a cheaper type phone. Its something you get if you are on a budget or buying it for a kid. The iphone 5 is fine, and the razr maxx has always had good reviews but is dated. Look for motorola to release some new phones pretty soon.
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I would say look at a Galaxy S3 or wait until the end of October for the Galaxy Note 2.


If you can handle a huge screen, the Galaxy Note 2 is going to be a better device for web use than the Galaxy S3. If you don't want a huge screen the GS3 is you next best choice IMO.


Amazon has had some good prices on the S3 recently.

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A more appropriate question would have been, what is the ANdroid side doing about the iphone 5? Are we looking at any game changers in the coming months?


Google will be announcing a (maybe even multiple) new Nexus devices on the 29th, maybe hold out to see what they have to offer.


This was on Google+ yesterday




There has also already been a lot of talk about the Galaxy S4 too.

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I'm going to wait for Black Friday , see what deals can be had for cell phones. Also, look into the HTC J Butterfly. Very cool.



My criteria for my next phone: quad core, HD screen, LTE, good camera. I want to be sure it will be able to run the next several versions of OS software.

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I'm going to wait for Black Friday , see what deals can be had for cell phones. Also, look into the HTC J Butterfly. Very cool.



My criteria for my next phone: quad core, HD screen, LTE, good camera. I want to be sure it will be able to run the next several versions of OS software.


HTC pisses me off!! They release a new device every other month. Now this. The very reason iPhone holds such high resale value...there's only one.

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