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Gun + Voting Article


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I wish people would stop writing stuff like this long enough for me to find some ammo.


At this point if voting for Romney means I wont have to wait a month to get ammo delivered I'll consider it.


Pretty much spot on. The Left invokes fears of bans and infringements on the 2nd Amendment (example Pelosi, Feinstein, Obama). With their support of the Brady Center, they love to spread their uneducated gun hating propaganda throughout the media and political spectrum. I doubt either one of the examples I listed above have ever taken the time to educate or even experience firearms.

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Which Mitt are you going to get?




“I believe the people should have the right to bear arms, but I don’t believe that we have to have assault weapons as part of our personal arsenal,” he said on Fox News in 2004.
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I personally hope more of these articles come out. It'll be like last time; prices will rise, shelves will clear, and then prices will fall. As a consequence, the gun rights movement gains more and more supporters.


I think the numbers are about 1 in 4 now.........if I'm correct. Wish I was commission sales in the gun industry at the moment.

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