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time to do some serious FB pruning.


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And why are you friends with her in the first place?


went to grade school with her and friended her for the lolz back in the day. the lolz have quickly turned into a penis shriveling bitter beer face reactions.


she was the sort of kid whose response to confrontation was "its a free country isn't it".

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went to grade school with her and friended her for the lolz back in the day. the lolz have quickly turned into a penis shriveling bitter beer face reactions.


she was the sort of kid whose response to confrontation was "its a free country isn't it".


You should drop a bomb of a post on her page then delete/block her as a friend for the lolz of course




Post her name up in this thread and we'll have our FB fake accounts have fun with her ;)


Myron Gaines is itching to make new friends...

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A few years ago i was browsing the w4w section of craigslist and i came across her post and picture. I went on fb and friended her just to see if it was her (having not seen the sissor sista in 10 plus years). After a cornacopia of acustic music links, vegan soy soup recipes and poems about lesbian seagulls she got cut unlike so many dikes' leg hairs.



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