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so....I quit drinking....


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LOL, to the person who neg-repped me with the comment ...




Please provide me with a list of diseases you


A. Give yourself

B. Can completely avoid

C. Once acquired can be cured indefinitely by refusing to participate in causing behaviors


Alex and I are in total agreement. Calling addiction 'disease' is not only disingenuous, but allows the addicted to shift blame from him/her self, to an imaginary boogeyman they call disease. It's not their actions, it's the disease, they couldn't help themselves, they have a disease. Obviously genetic predisposition is a factor, however that in and of itself is not a disease.


Semantics? Maybe.


Reads like Tilley to me!





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Yesterday was about the first time i have went all day without "the itch" to start drinking. Except while getting my forearm tattooed lol. I spent about 90% of the day with my fiancée and little girl. And we took a nice drive down 104 to Chillicothe.
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CONGRATS on the hard decision! YOU CAN DO IT! But, it will be easier with help for sure. Remember, our best intentions kept us drunk. Personally I've been sober for 18 yrs come December 21st. Got sober at 25. Active in AA for 10 of those years. I highly recommend you go to some meetings at least a couple times a week to be around people like yourself with similar goals. ( sober place sober people ) Please feel free to shout at me with any questions or if you want to hit a meeting. Would be happy to go with ya. PM me for my number if you want, it's very important especially in the early times to have someone to talk to when down, angry, confused, or definitely when you want a drink! Please remember it's the first drink that'll get ya drunk. If you don't have the first you'll never get drunk.
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Well made it another Saturday with no alcohol...and worked on the mini for 4 hours without it lol. Thanks for all of you're support and good thoughts guys! Without your advice i doubt i would have made it threw the last few days without y'all
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