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I love Stubhub!


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I usually buy all my tickets to events either through ticketmaster or individuals off craigslist. This past Thursday my buddy asked if I wanted to goto the Browns game (yesterday), I said yeah and we started looking for tickets. My wife suggested looking on Stubhub.com so we did, we scored 4 tickets in the Dawg Pound for $20 a piece! Tonight I was bored and started looking on there at various things and ended up picking up 2 tickets for this Wednesday's Ohio State basketball game for $3 a piece!! After the service fee I ended up spending $11, I am going to take my oldest nephew with me as he's never been to a basketball game at any level.


The best deal I have found on there was Cavalier/Pacers tickets for .70 cents. No that is not a typo, there were several of them left too haha. Granted you have to drive to Indy, but still, 70 cents?!



Just wanted to share this, not that many if any of you will care haha.

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