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I will be happy to take your Glock 17 since there is absolutely NO reason to own a semi-auto firearm.




Why is it ok to own a semi-auto handgun and not a rifle? In the school shooting, it would have been just as easy for someone with practice to kill as many people with a simple glock than with an AR. Real talk.


With your reasoning, we should all be allowed to own a firearm...but it must be a single-shot gun (basically musket) like our founding fathers intended. :rolleyes:


How many arguments do you need to show that it really is not the guns fault? How many people did Timmothy McVey kill...without a gun...using easily accessable fertilizer? Should we ban the internet (where it takes 5 seconds to learn how to make a bomb) and fertilizer since they are obviously weapons?


JP...think man. Sitting in my office I have counted over 25 things that I can easily turn into a deadly weapon and walk into my building and begin murdering people. No gun is needed.




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Comparing guns to cars is idiotic. Sure, they are both tools, but with completely different purposes.


When a car is used correctly, it will get you from point A to B quickly and safely.


When a gun is used correctly, it will kill whatever it was aimed at.


It should be when a gun is used correctly, the bullet will hit it's intended target.




Funny that Japan is being brought up. Japan has very strict gun control, but as a result it also managed to pretty much eliminate gun related deaths. The Japanese, because of their culture, are more open to having strict gun laws. Their police aren't allowed to carry off duty, and they are heavily trained in martial arts, rarely using guns at all.


The Japanese culture was also okay with massacring hundreds of thousands of Chinese women and children in the past.

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This went as expected.


Hugs all around.


I imagine we'll see a few Youtube videos in the near future demonstrating just how quickly someone can get off 100 rounds from a single 10-round handgun and 10 mags. This "high cap clip" nonsense needs to end.


Ironic, isn't it?. The two groups of people I hear screaming about gun control today are those on the left and those in Hollywood. You know, those two groups that constantly battle to keep morals out of schools, are busy creating the most violent of movies for our teenagers to soak up, that are dead set on preventing the lawful ownership of guns for us to protect ourselves and others from these psychos. More lawful ownership has always equated to lower violent crime numbers, in this nation and others alike. The root cause of all of this off'ed himself like the coward he was, so people are desperate for something to blame. How about they look into the man's mental health past, what medications he has taking or stopped taking, etc? The man is estimated to have broken 40+ crimes on Friday. I'm sure adding a few more based on knee-jerk reactions will prevent the next disturbed person.

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This went as expected.


Hugs all around.


I imagine we'll see a few Youtube videos in the near future demonstrating just how quickly someone can get off 100 rounds from a single 10-round handgun and 10 mags. This "high cap clip" nonsense needs to end.


I always wonder how they came up with that arbitrary number of '10' as being the limit on how many bullets one can have loaded up at a time? 10 dead kids is OK, but 11 is too much?



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I always wonder how they came up with that arbitrary number of '10' as being the limit on how many bullets one can have loaded up at a time? 10 dead kids is OK, but 11 is too much?




Because anything too far into the double-digits just sounds too scary for liberals.

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But Yenner-If you are 5 feet or more away from me, and I had my Glock 17, you would be 100% dead before you could lay a pinky on me.


About the only way you could do this is if the gun was in your hand at the low ready. I can close a 5 foot gap between two object in 1 second. Some of the best shooters in the WORLD can pull from a holster to first shot in about .85.

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I always wonder how they came up with that arbitrary number of '10' as being the limit on how many bullets one can have loaded up at a time? 10 dead kids is OK, but 11 is too much?





Everyone is running a Production Gun with a mandatory capacity. :)

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