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Incident Management positions available


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My department is looking for Incident Managers. I know there are several open reqs as they are trying to finish building the team out. Must have strong technical skills, good soft skills for dealing with people in stressful situations, good communication skills and Incident Msnagement skills are a plus. If interested, pm me and I can get your resume submitted directly to my boss.
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Incident managers are responsible for any Priority 1 outages anywhere in the IT environment. It is our responsibility to run bridge calls, engage resolvers and business personel and drive everything forward to a resolution. Then we are responsible for determining any type of business impact and reporting that to executive management. After that we are responsible for Root Cause and determining how to prevent it from happening again. You are not fixing anything but you have to be very technical so you know how IT infrastucture operates and the flow of databases, network traffic and on and on. Since you are pushing resolvers to find a solution, you need to know what direction to push. This is a very high visibility position since you are dealing with high visibility outages.
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