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WTB PreAmp/Amplifier w phono stage


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I have a little project I,m doing and I,m looking for a pre amplifier to hook up a turntable to and wondered if someone had something they are not using.

Something like this http://www.popscreen.com/p/MTM0NDc2MTgy/VINTAGE-MARANTZ-2245-STEREO-RECEIVER-AMPLIFIER-45-WATTS-IN-GOOD-SHAPE-


Or this http://www.mcintoshlabs.com/us/Products/pages/ProductDetails.aspx?CatId=Amplifiers&ProductId=MC452


I can come pick it up if your local,thx,Carl.

614 499 6588

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You might do well picking up an old receiver with the built in phono pre-amp and using the tape out jacks.


Most of what I read about the standalone pre-amps that are low price is that they are junk.

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