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quick gopro ?


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The fiance got me what im guessin is a basic silver edition, no LCD screen or remote. I was debating going out and buying both, but i got on gopro's website and noticed they have a free app for smart phones that sounds like it will do the job of both. My problem right now is, i was broke when i bought last phone, so i got just your average low end andriod, so of course it wont support the app. So my question is, i get a phone upgrade early next year, and prolly wont use the camera that much till about then anyways, but would it be worth it just wait it out, or is the app worthless and i should just go spend the money on at least the screen?
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The app is pretty cool actually, you can do previews of all the settings and even what the gopro sees AND hears! However, if you want to use it on a mountain bike or a snowboard (or whatever) youll probably want to get the remote really. The LCD screen is just another toy as well. The GP is pretty much point, click and youll pick up the video or picture where you point it. I use the LCD for diving so I can get really up close to the small ocean critters ha.


Android version is coming soon from what I hear, you should see it pretty damn soon seeing that a shit ton of people just bought the GP3 for Christmas presents!

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The app is available for android



I use it on my iphone and works well when on a car and such but like dragknee said if you are using it as a handheld or anything like diving or climbing then you would want the LCD backpak.

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Iwish mine had the remote so u could piwer it up outside the vehicle


the phone app supposedly does that and everything else the remote can. i just plan on using it for drag racing and paintball occasionally, so i think the preview mode on the app would be all i really need so i can tell if the camera is pointed strait.

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