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Repealing the 22nd amendment.


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H.J.Res.15 - Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

113th Congress (2013-2014)


Sponsor: Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-15] (Introduced 01/04/2013)




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I really don't think it's a bad an idea if a few things are done


  • Make corporate campaign contributions ILLEGAL
  • All donators to a campaign MUST be publicly listed
  • Make all lobbying illegal
  • Abolish the electoral college
  • To be eligible for a 3rd term and beyond, you must have received at least 65% of the popular vote in the previous election.
  • Elections will be held every 2 years after the 3rd term


Then if you have a president whom is doing an incredible job, you can keep it that way, instead of having presidents going back and forth changing everything wasting a shit ton of resources.


term limits on congress. now, that would be something worth doing.


Contradicts a bit of what I said above, but vote against all the incumbents for a good time ;)

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I really don't think it's a bad an idea if a few things are done


  • Make corporate campaign contributions ILLEGAL
  • All donators to a campaign MUST be publicly listed
  • Make all lobbying illegal
  • Abolish the electoral college
  • To be eligible for a 3rd term and beyond, you must have received at least 65% of the popular vote in the previous election.
  • Elections will be held every 2 years after the 3rd term


Then if you have a president whom is doing an incredible job, you can keep it that way, instead of having presidents going back and forth changing everything wasting a shit ton of resources.




Contradicts a bit of what I said above, but vote against all the incumbents for a good time ;)


Has any President been able to draw 65% of the popular vote?

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Rather than trying to fix the budget mess they have created, this is what they are introducing?


Yeah, glad my vote means something...


This guy gets it.


Unfortunatly The government is too busy finding ways to take away our freedom and rights to do anything productive for our nation.

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