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A write-up +pics on how to do gun paintjobs/camo jobs


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Found this on another Forum Enjoy. I wanted to do a write up on on this subject so anyone who is planning on doing it can avoid some minor messups and item that I bought which didn't work or I didn't need. I'll be breaking down this how to in segments. 1.Supplies 2.Prep your gun 3.Painting -Mixing duracoat -Appying duracoat -Applying male templates -Applying female templates 4.Removal 5.Clean up 1. Supplies Welcome to Lauer Custom Weaponry is where I bought the urban mirage flage camo. This is a list of what came in the package: -4oz. Matted Black -2oz. Snow gray -2oz. Urban Mirage White -1oz. Hardner I added these for a litte extra charge: -4oz. Reducer-bought it just in case the paint was too thick but I never used it, my suggestion don't get because if you follow the mixing directions you should be fine w/o it. -Aerosol Trustrip degreaser can-all I can say is, if you have a degreaser that quick dries you wont need this, as I realized that I had Gun scrubber -One Mirage Flage/ACU template sheet for handgun -How to DVD- waste of money my 2cents. just follow the directions and you should be fine. Extras I bought at hobby lobby: -2 15oz. airbrush propellant-,one is enough for the whole gun. -4oz mixing jar- I got it to mix the paint, only used it once. -Air brush kit-First one I bought at harbor freight was leaking when I tighten the nozzle on the propellant, returned it and paid extra for the one I have now. Others: -laquer thinner -painters tape -Pin Punch 1/16 1/8 and 3/32 -hammer -pliers -box cutters -hanger If you have a compressor thats even better. 2.Prep your gun Start by detail stripping the frame, use the pin puncher to remove the pins and if you are having problems removing them after punching them out use the pliers. Tape together the parts that go with each other and place in a ziploc bag. After you have removed everything start spraying the degreaser on you frame and let it air dry. Once dry proceed to apply painters tape to: -Mag opening-I placed the tape to the opening then just cut around it. -top of frame-try to tape up the hole wherethe trigger is and the grip saftey. -backstrap area Your frame should look like this: http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/new008.jpghttp://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/new009.jpg The great thing about removing the backstrap then painting is using the hole where the rolled pin is as a place to put the hanger through. Now that that prep is done and you have the frame suspended on the hanger lets got to mixing paint. 3.Painting To mix the paint the instruction says to mix 12 duracoat to 1 hardner. Here is an example: -4 tbs to 1 tsp -2 tbs to 1/2 tsp For this project you will only be using 1tbs to 1/4 tsp, this should be enough to coat the whole frame. Before mixing you need to shake the duracoat for about 3-4mins. Carefully pour the mixture into the airbrush bottle and shake it up. I also forgot to add, before painting don't forget a breathing appuratus(sp). If your using a airbrush propellant, your going to have to spray in spurts as the the can doesnt give a good steady pressure for more than 5-6 sec. Continue to spray and make sure you look over the frame to see if you missed any spots. When your done painting let the are dry for a minium of 2-3 hrs. During this time you should empty out what is left in the bottle and run thinner through the air brush and prep the next paint. (paint mixed with hardner is good for about 6-8 hrs.) When dry time is up proceed to put the templates on your frame, avoid putting any on the front grip because it's pretty hard to fully cover the design which will end up looking like crap I should know . If you decide to remove one there will be residue from the template, use water and some elbow grease from wal-mart to remove it , lightly wipe it off, no scrubbing. Go slow when removing the templates with the cutters, I cut through a couple of them. http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/duracoat002.jpg%5Bimg%5D%20%5Bimg%5Dhttp://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/duracoat003.jpg Ignore that template I put there Also make sure that you firmly press the template and that its flush. Once your satified with the placements, repeat the process, making sure you cover the basecoat throughly and all thoughs places you always forget to spray (front dust cover, inside the trigger guard, etc...) good lighting is a plus. http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/duracoat006.jpg Repeat the previous process, I forgot to take pics of the 2nd template placements, got too excited. Now with the last coat, ifyou decided to do the lightes color last you might want to do another coat sine the previous coat will show through. Now that your done with all three layers and two template placements and your waited with excitment for atleast 4-5hrs. (just to let it set) it's time to remove your templates. Go easy with the cutters when removing them, don't want to cut up your nice paint job. Go over the frame to make sure you didn't miss any. http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/duracoat007.jpghttp://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/vash_241987/duracoat008.jpg
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After all have been removed, clean up all of the residue let behind from the templates with water and light rubbing.


Next up is the female templates, you will on be able to do about one at a time, but thats ok, it will give the paint some time to dry.





.....yes I did paint the grip here...but I covered it here...




When you place the female templates make sure they are flush and there is no openings showing, make sure to spray directly on top on the template...no angle shots. Give each accents time to dry. Once completely done with all the accents you want. Give it about 2-3hrs. to dry before reassembling it.


That said...i'm done typing hope you guys anjoy the write up. PM me for any other Q's


Heres my gun fully assembled...except for the trigger group...besides the PRP kit not here yet I broke the grip safety spring So I have to wait till monday to call up springfield...plus I'm going to ask about a lefty holster for my xdm





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