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Point taken, what's your alternative solution to stopping a mass murderer already in the act of his crime, and reasonably stemming future occurrences?


You need to look at the reasons why people in America feel the need to go shoot up a school. It's a cultural/social problem. 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine alone, while in the same time there has only been 14 in the rest of the world combined.


Sounds to me like the problem is the school system here.

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Ok, let's say I agree with that, what do we do in the meantime, while we try to figure out the root causes, because that will take time. What do we do against the madmen amongst us, now? When he/she chooses to enter the next school, and keep in mind just how quickly the Sandy Hook incident occurred.
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Ok, let's say I agree with that, what do we do in the meantime, while we try to figure out the root causes, because that will take time. What do we do against the madmen amongst us, now? When he/she chooses to enter the next school, and keep in mind just how quickly the Sandy Hook incident occurred.


Arm staff. Plain and simple.


People in this country act like guns are devilish beings that are out to kill people. A gun in the hands of a responsible person may never be fired. EVER. Well, hopefully at the range so they know how to use it.

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You need to look at the reasons why people in America feel the need to go shoot up a school. It's a cultural/social problem. 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine alone, while in the same time there has only been 14 in the rest of the world combined.


Sounds to me like the problem is the parrents and shit ass american culture school system here.


Added a bit more to an otherwise dead on idea. 100% these school shooting problems started before the first bullet was loaded, or round put in the chamber.


America has a big problem, the moral foundation has rotted but nobody wants to pay the price to fix it.

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Ok, let's say I agree with that, what do we do in the meantime, while we try to figure out the root causes, because that will take time. What do we do against the madmen amongst us, now? When he/she chooses to enter the next school, and keep in mind just how quickly the Sandy Hook incident occurred.


Good question. I just don't know if this is the best way of doing it. Ideally I'd think having a Police Officer (or 2) would be better than vigilante teachers. I can't trust a teacher to teach history to a child correctly, let alone prevent a mass shooting.


I guess what we can hope for is that it will be more of a deterrent than anything else.

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Good question. I just don't know if this is the best way of doing it. Ideally I'd think having a Police Officer (or 2) would be better than vigilante teachers. I can't trust a teacher to teach history to a child correctly, let alone prevent a mass shooting.


I guess what we can hope for is that it will be more of a deterrent than anything else.


I would personally rather have police protecting our children than jailing non-violent drug offenders, so I agree, though dismantling the "gun-free zone" stupidity for all responsible adults who wish to carry should be on the priory list as well. Unless we want police there for sports practices, teachers conferences, plays, or other such before or after school hours activities.

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so would everyone fork up and pay considerably higher city taxes to pay for the rapid expansion of the police force for patrolling schools?


I don't think that would even be necessary. 5, 8 hours shifts for what? 150 days? This is the American school system we're talking about after all where kids barely have any school days in a year anyway.

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it may not seem like much, but lets say one officer for every school for an 8 hour shift for 150 days is 1200 man hours per year per school. There are approximately 118 public schools in Columbus alone. Now were are at 141,600 additional man hours just for being at the school. That does not include the time before/after, expenses going to and from, and insurance cost for more staff.


May not seem like much upfront, but our country is in enough debt as is. Arming teaching is a quick/easy solution while the social issues are address.

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it may not seem like much, but lets say one officer for every school for an 8 hour shift for 150 days is 1200 man hours per year per school. There are approximately 118 public schools in Columbus alone. Now were are at 141,600 additional man hours just for being at the school. That does not include the time before/after, expenses going to and from, and insurance cost for more staff.


May not seem like much upfront, but our country is in enough debt as is. Arming teaching is a quick/easy solution while the social issues are address.


How much do you think the National Gun registry is going to cost and the enforcement of the new gun bans?

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