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So they are going to pull $500 million out thin air to do this?


Here are the EOs on this.




I know it's going to be everyone's knee-jerk reaction to oppose the president on this, but isn't this all stuff that conservatives were pushing for instead of weapons restrictions? I know he's recommending that congress reinstate an AWB, but if you just look at this list of executive orders, it's about improving the mental health system, improving background checks, encouraging armed resource officers in schools, and pushing gun safety. These are all conservative ideas, nearest I can tell. In fact, these are all ideas I've heard from either the NRA or pro-gun people in forums.


I guess you can complain about the cost, especially if you make up your own numbers, but do I have to keep pointing out that you're winning?

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I know it's going to be everyone's knee-jerk reaction to oppose the president on this, but isn't this all stuff that conservatives were pushing for instead of weapons restrictions? I know he's recommending that congress reinstate an AWB, but if you just look at this list of executive orders, it's about improving the mental health system, improving background checks, encouraging armed resource officers in schools, and pushing gun safety. These are all conservative ideas, nearest I can tell. In fact, these are all ideas I've heard from either the NRA or pro-gun people in forums.


I guess you can complain about the cost, especially if you make up your own numbers, but do I have to keep pointing out that you're winning?


Who is making up any numbers?




They are still pushing weapons restrictions and mag restrictions.

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Ah, my bad. I didn't see a number anywhere.


Yes, they are pushing congress for restrictions. They're going to have a hard time getting through the house. What we're left with is a bunch of executives orders implementing conservative ideas.


yea, pretty fair and accurate summation of what's going on on all accounts

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There are some things in there which are proper EO material and I agree the feds should be doing. Mostly around enforcing existing federal law and/or making those more effective.


Some things I agree with but think the government has no business messing in like coming up with a model plan for schools etc. You know we'll end up with something hopelessly slanted to a POV vs. something effective. Plus it will cost $3B, impose unfunded mandates on states, and need a new Dept. of School Safety cabinetposition be created. Let's see, what's that old saying, "Fool me 10,000 times...." Idiots. Their new safety standards for gun storage could just as easily become another 'poison pill' that will actually have the opposite effect of making us safer. Can you imagine them outlawing all kinds of secure, quick access devices? Trigger locks no one will use because they are so damn secure it takes 5 minutes to get them off? Regs that add $1,000 to the cost of a safe?

These are the things Congress should be saying, "Not so fast" to. These are items better legislated than mandated and, even better, STFU about.


Some things are within the President's power but I'd rather not see done like putting in a new permanent ATF director. I can remember the 'bad old days' when the ATF was like the secret police. Out there creating opportunities to run afoul of the laws on technicalities and baiting individuals into the traps. Re-empower those mouks and see what happens. Now of course, we just get things like 'Fast and Furious'. Imagine that on steroids.


Overall though - I can't pick any item out of the 23 where he blatently crossed the line. (At least enough to get impeached for).

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Their new safety standards for gun storage could just as easily become another 'poison pill' that will actually have the opposite effect of making us safer.


I'll just note that the EO is apparently only going to order the Consumer Product Safety Commission to review safety standards, not change them. Presumably there will be a list of recommendations sent to congress that will be promptly ignored. That's a realistic assessment of the situation, but I like your jumping to conclusions approach as well.

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15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies


This worries me a bit. "challenge" the private sector = make it mandatory. It's a bit of a reach to force them to implement new tech, so I don't see it happening.


Overall, I'm 'OK' with these EOs as they mostly seem to be dictating that we enforce our current laws, which is what truly needs to be done. Time will tell.

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