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5 wounded because of 3 shootings at gun shows.


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Also notice how CNN ignores the pro-2nd rallies yesterday.


Cnn is not actually the first news site I seen this on it was just the only one i could rember. I orginally read the story news.google.com via my cell phone.


Did Faux News cover your gun rally? I mean whats more news some people rallying or PEOPLE BEING SHOT @ GUNSHOWS. Being that our current state of paranoia around guns and especially gun shows this is a high profile story.

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It happens a lot at gun shows, they just never paid it any attention. Thats the exact reason why I dont go. You dont have to be smart or have common sense to buy or sell guns at those things.


Salem Gun Show Accidental Discharge :

1 post - 1 author - Jul 24, 2009


Accidental shootings at 3 gun shows injure 5 on gun appreciation day

31 posts - 8 authors - Jun 2, 2007


Went to the show downtown today. I was browsing lots of goodies when all of a sudden --------->BOOM!!!!...

6 posts - Feb 27, 2011


BLOOMINGTON — Two men were injured in an accidental shooting Saturday morning at the ECA Gun and Knife Show at Bloomington's Sale

22 posts - Feb 28, 2011


Can't Fix Stupid: Accidental Discharge at ILLINOIS Gun Show.

smith-wessonforum.com › ... › General › The Lounge

29 posts - 25 authors - Jan 30, 2012


Accidental discharge today at FS gun show

13 posts - 8 authors - Oct 31, 2009


That took 5 seconds to search so I'm sure there are plenty more.

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Yes, it happens frequently. Many people are shot in inner cities every night throughout the country but those are hardly ever mainstream news stories either (and still aren't). The point is that the gunshow shootings are political ammunition now.


The few other news sites I glanced at mentioned both stories: the gun show accidents and the pro- rallies. CNN doesn't mention the pro- rallies. The linked video is from over a week ago.

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Yes, it happens frequently. Many people are shot in inner cities every night throughout the country but those are hardly ever mainstream news stories either (and still aren't). The point is that the gunshow shootings are political ammunition now.


The few other news sites I glanced at mentioned both stories: the gun show accidents and the pro- rallies. CNN doesn't mention the pro- rallies. The linked video is from over a week ago.


Truth. In Chicago there are over 20 shootings a night.. but no one cares because the people killing each other dont vote.

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How the hell do you get in to a gun show with a loaded firearm, everyone I've been to runs a zip tie through the receiver so you can tell its not loaded. And second maybe we need big signs posted that say " DON'T TOUCH THE DAMN TRIGGER UNLESS YOUR WILLING TO SHOOT WHAT'S ON THE OTHER END OF YOUR BARREL FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN A SERIOUS ASS BEATING" seriously the one guy was supposedly trying to take his shotgun out of the case when it went off. This leads me to speculate that this incident will become more common as people who have had grandpa's old shotgun in the closet for years and now with the gun craze going on they think they can get a bunch of money for it make their way to gun shows in hopes of their quick buck. Edited by nurkvinny
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Gun show attendance has EXPLODED, yet only three idiots managed to not realize their guns are loaded. Not bad statistics there.


Last weekend there were rally's all across the country to promote second amendment rights, with many of the participants armed. There were zero acts of violence, nobody got hurt, no messes were left, and it goes unreported. It was the polar opposite of an Occupy rally where people get raped, assaulted, property gets vandalized, cop cars get shit on and they leave a mess when they leave. And by leave I mean forced out after months of squatting on private property.

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It's just like anything else involving people. Doens't matter the subject, hobby, interest, etc. There are always those who are 'extremist' and fuck everything up for everyone else. Guns, car clubs, hunting, sports, and on and on. And of course, as in this situation, the actions of these 'extremophiles' now only fuel the "anti-" fire of whatever you're now having to defend since all eyes are now on the situation.


Everything is ebb and flow, man. Ebb and flow. Just roll with it. (Insert hippie pic here.)

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Gun show attendance has EXPLODED, yet only three idiots managed to not realize their guns are loaded. Not bad statistics there.


Last weekend there were rally's all across the country to promote second amendment rights, with many of the participants armed. There were zero acts of violence, nobody got hurt, no messes were left, and it goes unreported. It was the polar opposite of an Occupy rally where people get raped, assaulted, property gets vandalized, cop cars get shit on and they leave a mess when they leave. And by leave I mean forced out after months of squatting on private property.



The only time you'll hear from the MSM is when there is something sensational to report and/or when there is something that fits the liberal/progressive narrative (e.g. advances The Agenda).

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