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Thats a pretty interesting article and sort of says what I was talking about in a thread awhile back about the US needing to adapt its workforce to survive.


I agree with the article mostly and don't really see a way of adapting at this point. We're basically going to find ourselves (the world) with a few types of jobs, ie managers, designers, repair techs, etc and then there will be a massive number of people who won't have jobs. Our social programs are going to have to be paid for by someone somehow, but I find it hard to believe that a considerably smaller workforce could pull it off.


I guess only time will tell and maybe there will be some type of industry created that we haven't even thought of yet that may fill the gap.

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i like how this is getting shared all over facebook with everyone blaming everyone from George Bush to Obama.


nothing to do with govt. this is the economy you get when you let financiers and accountants run everything.


goodbye sound corporate stewardship, visionary captains of industry and generational companies.


hello bottom line optimization, people be damned.


enjoy the brave new world everyone. you made it.

wait a minute, let me fix that sentence...

enjoy the brave new world 0.005%. you now own it.

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