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Made me think of Mr. Linn

DTM Brian

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If it were Linn, then I bet he would race you repeatedly on 270 after a chance encounter very early in the morning. Then, the next weekend, as you were getting out of your car at, say, Jegs, he would enthusiastically introduce himself with, "Hey, remember me? We raced last weekend. Want to go again?" And then you would race from rolls starting out at 60, 65, 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 83.5, and 90 mph just to make sure all bases were covered.


I am also willing to bet that, if it were Linn, then he would spray the living fuck out of everyone - even people that don't have spray and have no chance of beating him - and proceed to remain WOT through 6th gear even after he's put a 1/4 mile lead on everyone. In videos of the races, he can be seen as the small dot in the distance while the other, much more evenly matched cars are going at it.


Those are just my bets, though. I have no idea if that would even be remotely close to the truth.

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If it were Linn, then I bet he would race you repeatedly on 270 after a chance encounter very early in the morning. Then, the next weekend, as you were getting out of your car at, say, Jegs, he would enthusiastically introduce himself with, "Hey, remember me? We raced last weekend. Want to go again?" And then you would race from rolls starting out at 60, 65, 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 83.5, and 90 mph just to make sure all bases were covered.


I am also willing to bet that, if it were Linn, then he would spray the living fuck out of everyone - even people that don't have spray and have no chance of beating him - and proceed to remain WOT through 6th gear even after he's put a 1/4 mile lead on everyone. In videos of the races, he can be seen as the small dot in the distance while the other, much more evenly matched cars are going at it.


Those are just my bets, though. I have no idea if that would even be remotely close to the truth.


Ah, memories. :)

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