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Ban going nowhere


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Im dreaming of $700-$800 6920s I may be a little too optimistic though


I don't think it is too far fetched. I am dreaming of cheap piston ARs to add to my collection. I bought a 6920 with the LE rollmark for 1100 this past summer. Sold the Eotech 552 that came with it for 380. So techincally I only paid 720 for the 6920. :)

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6 monthes from now when all the crazy potato chewing tin foil hat wearing ppl settle down, AR prices will drop below where there originally were. Sucks for all those mouth breathers who bought into the hysteria.


Taters will be taters.


You probably made out the best of the hysteria too with your trade.

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6 monthes from now when all the crazy potato chewing tin foil hat wearing ppl settle down, AR prices will drop below where there originally were. Sucks for all those mouth breathers who bought into the hysteria.


Hopefully. If I can get a Scar16s for under 1500, I would be extremely happy.

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Color me unsurprised.


6 monthes from now when all the crazy potato chewing tin foil hat wearing ppl settle down, AR prices will drop below where there originally were. Sucks for all those mouth breathers who bought into the hysteria.


Be Paul, feed hysteria in chatbox, chide believers on forum.

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I guess people still think that the ban is going to happen...:dumb: Like trying to sell a mini14 for 1400...


Funny thing is that the Mini 14 is specifically named in the "exempt" list! Even if the ban were to go through, the Mini 14 would still be manufactured, just with a 10 round mag.

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I guess people still think that the ban is going to happen...:dumb: Like trying to sell a mini14 for 1400...


Funny thing is that the Mini 14 is specifically named in the "exempt" list! Even if the ban were to go through, the Mini 14 would still be manufactured, just with a 10 round mag.


Lol'd hard at this when I saw it. TATERS GON TATE...

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Personally, I have my foil hat on just in case. I think they want the hysteria to calm down and then they'll sneak something through fast just like New York did. I REALLY REALLY hope i'm wrong and my foil hat wearing is all in vein but I fear.... I fear....
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Personally, I have my foil hat on just in case. I think they want the hysteria to calm down and then they'll sneak something through fast just like New York did. I REALLY REALLY hope i'm wrong and my foil hat wearing is all in vein but I fear.... I fear....


Reid just came out and said if there is an AWB portion of the bill when the bill comes out of the judiciary committee, it would not even be discussed/debated on the senate floor. Which means that the bill dies right there. If anything were to happen in the senate, the AWB has to be left out of the bill. They are willing to discuss unspecific magazine size and expanding background checks. This is all coming from the Democratic controlled senate. It just confirms that the chances of an AWB is at a big fat goose egg right now.

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