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Saturdaysaturdaysaturday 4-18-09


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trying to mull over whether i wanna ride tomorrow morning or not. i don't feel so bad since at least there are two of you. i probably will show up, but i'm quite tired. lol

i'll post up in the morning... i'll probably show, though.

for reference, the DQ/marathon in bolivar is: say you're heading 77 south, you get off at the bolivar exit, and turn right and the gas station/dairy queen is on the right. you can't miss it. If I show, it'll be at that location.

in any case, i'll post up in the morning. i'll have to leave by 9:30am to make it to bolivar by 11am, so if I don't post by 9:30am, assume the worst. lulz sry

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Sounds good. Looks like a couple of my buddies are going to show up too, so we should have at least 4~5.

Sorry about confusing the meeting place. We'll swing by the Marathon first (I know the ony you're talking about now), and then check out the Speedway on the way out just in case I screwed anybody up.

Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day.

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i'm gonna go get the cbr from the dealership now, and see how it's running. if it is running well, i will meet you guys at the marathon or speedway.

can you PM me the route?



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Well, for the most part the ride went rather well. Anytime everyone comes back home in one piece, it's a good thing. The only thing that needs to be mentioned is that Rt.164 has a few bad spots with enough gravel to cause a rider to go down, should he enter that specific corner too hot or even 20mph over the recommended limit. Luckily, I lead the ride and I was aware of the potential hazards in that area otherwise there may have been a problem. Besides that, it was nice to meet everyone who came out, and next weekend another ride will have to take place, weather permitting. Guys, be very careful when you are going into uncharted territory and don't try and go balls out everytime you see a tight corner. If I was going perhaps even 10mph faster into a certain corner, I believe I would have laid my bike down. Be careful...

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Well, for the most part the ride went rather well. Anytime everyone comes back home in one piece, it's a good thing. The only thing that needs to be mentioned is that Rt.164 has a few bad spots with enough gravel to cause a rider to go down, should he enter that specific corner too hot or even 20mph over the recommended limit. Luckily, I lead the ride and I was aware of the potential hazards in that area otherwise there may have been a problem. Besides that, it was nice to meet everyone who came out, and next weekend another ride will have to take place, weather permitting. Guys, be very careful when you are going into uncharted territory and don't try and go balls out everytime you see a tight corner. If I was going perhaps even 10mph faster into a certain corner, I believe I would have laid my bike down. Be careful...

Yep. Was a good ride thanks to a little discretion on MadMax's part. You did a great job leading the way.

164 was still a good time, and I had an absolute blast with you guys on OH-9 on the way back.

Great to meet you guys and looking forward to more even longer rides further South.

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today was a nice ride. great weather, decent roads, and a nice and easy pace.

had fun getting used to the cbr again.

madmax lead the ride, hailwood and madmax came up with directions, and i sat back and enjoyed some nice sweepers. i am a lazy bastard. sry lulz.

hope to see you guys next time.

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Rt. 9 is just too smooth and Atwood is always a pleasure if it wasn't for the cagers. I took my bike up to 130 before the intersection of 542 and 212 yet I'm too much of a pussy to try and wheelie with a tanktop on. I'm already thinking about next weeks ride...

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Glad to see everyone made it back in one piece, and good times were had by all. I caged it down to Columbus and ate some commercialized Mexican food..which wasn't too bad considering how picky I am.

You guys are too paranoid about posting routes..just my 1.5 cents. I've been on rides in OH and MI for 3 years straight with no issues. The cops already know the roads the bikers like..and when the weather turns, they are out in full force anyways. To each his own I guess. I just don't like to play follow the leader, when I have no idea where the leader is going or how far he's going.

Did anyone take any pics?!?!? PICS BITCH!!!

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had a great ride yesterday...thanks for going pauly!! it's a shame that walther & cleave were too busy playing w/each others "gun" to come out and play! here's a pic from our ride with "the monster in the middle"


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wow thursday thru sunday are sunny and mid 70's..schweeeeeeettttttt

Yeah, I'm digging this forecast.

If it holds out my wife and I will probably be taking the FZ to West Virginia this weekend. I'm thinking we might head straight down 800 and work our way over to Morgantown.

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