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Thanks H&R Block!


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that's one of the problems with this country. when i buy something at the store, i'm taxxed a certain amount. everyone gets taxxed a certain percentage. when you buy more expensive things, the percentage stays the same. imagine being taxxed 5% on a bicycle, but 15% on a car??


why do people who earn more get taxxed a higher percentage?? it doesn't make sense.



earn $10k per year and you actually get more money back then you paid to the govt


earn $100k per year and you pay (let's say 18%) $18k taxes


earn $1M per year and you pay nearly 30%----$300k taxes.


taxes pay for things that everyone in this country uses---yet not everyone pays for them. people who have generally worked harder to earn more, get penalized (in a way) more for being successful.


this mentality breeds a general sense of laziness, entitlement, and dependency, that will ultimately be the downfall of this country. "why should i work as hard, when i know the gov't will help me out". "if i have another kid, i can get more assistance, and not have to work".



I agree. I think there should only be a sales tax. Income tax makes no sense. Raise sales tax and cut income tax.

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