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shower security


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Tough times taking a shower. You never know what you're made of until you find yourself naked with another man who wants to hurt you. I usually have a couple claymores rigged up on motion detectors and just keep the phone near the shower. People know to call before they come over. If someone trips a claymore, they weren't welcome any ways.



In all seriousness, that might be a little too hyper vigalant for most on here to be able to relate too. And I assume most post would heckle it. Hyper vigilance is typically a byproduct of being exposed to a situation that was out of your hands, but you wish there was something you could have done about it. It actually runs pretty close to PTSD, but does not require combat exposure to induce the thoughts. You could even find similarities with some ADHD symptoms.


Every sinario can't be full proof and have a 100% safe result. It turns into an odds and level of want from the threat. If the threat wants you and has no care you have to meet that threat with the same level of commitment or out smart them and eliminate the threat. I joked about the the claymores to make the point that, most would agree that's a little over the top just to take a safe shower. But non the less, you would feel safe wouldnt you? But what if the threat knew you had claymores? They could shoot your house with a rocket, still kill you and win. Now we are getting pretty far with things, but where should it end? I'd say it ends with what you have done. You have dogs to alert you. You keep what you feel you need to near you to protect yourself. You've addressed your hazards and have thought through how to midigate them. It comes down to a risk assessment of the situation and being realistic. Dogs are a great tool and key to lowering risk at home. I would not suggest anyone post their home defense strategies on a forum. I want us all to look out for each other on CR, but we have had criminals on here shopping before. As with your home, mine is the wrong one to come to uninvited. I think discussing things like this should be kept to those close to you or someone who's info you trust and want thier input.


On a side note, booby trapping your land or home, I believe is illegal. I think someone did this a few years ago with a shotgun rigged to a door. Two guys broke in, one got shot. The other took him to be treated. Police were called to the hospital. Investigation found the homeowner was out of town and rigged the door and the room had a safe in it. Home owner, was caught up in court. I need to see if I can find info on this though. It was like 5-6 years ago.


Well said. I stopped taking showers years ago until I stumbled upon the "Gun Loofa". Look it up, its made me feel a lot safer.

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We pick on things like this, here on CR, but some people are in a state of mind like what was posted. Even if this is an April fools post, it reminded me of one of my soldiers who was going through things like this. The thing is, is that sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. It's a hard thing to find balance with.


Then there are the people who end up on Prepper's. Haha

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We pick on things like this, here on CR, but some people are in a state of mind like what was posted. Even if this is an April fools post, it reminded me of one of my soldiers who was going through things like this. The thing is, is that sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. It's a hard thing to find balance with.


Then there are the people who end up on Prepper's. Haha


I need to skim less. At first glance I thought you said "Then there are people who end up Preggers"


I guess those people were using bacon condoms.


Mmm, bacon.

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We pick on things like this, here on CR, but some people are in a state of mind like what was posted. Even if this is an April fools post, it reminded me of one of my soldiers who was going through things like this. The thing is, is that sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. It's a hard thing to find balance with.


Then there are the people who end up on Prepper's. Haha


Doing some psych education in my past I know exactly what you mean. The fear of death, the fear of being unprepared can get to a point that it consumes people. You can say that only 0.007% of people are attacked in a shower and they still put themselves in the 0.007%. Like you said, preparing for the worst can easily turn to where people are on preppers in a basement refusing to make contact with other people.

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I would just pee on them, serious.. Who is going to stick around to be pee'd on?

But everyone is a marksman! What if they shoot you in the peehole!


I will just come out of the shower with my boys swinging in the wind. If that doesn't scare you away no gun ever will. Come at me bro I got my loofa and bottle of body wash open.

Especially if you have time to get it "to attention". Who wouldn't be distracted by that?


I like to use a clear shower curtain with a glory hole cut into the middle of it. Whenever I'm intruded upon while showering, I just shove the ol' boy right through the hole at them. The tattoo'd eyeballs on it just add to the confusion and lets them know I see them. (I got the idea from a shield bug on Discovery.)


Nothing is more wonderful and at the same time frightening as my love gun.

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I know a lot of this thread is joshin'... however, I often take a shower in the basement bathroom, which is one story down, and 80 horizontal feet away from my guns. I always take a handgun with me and have it on the shelving beside the shower.


I also sneak around corners and aim my gun saying, "phachow, pow, pacshow" on my way back to get dressed.

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I usually have a couple claymores rigged up on motion detectors and just keep the phone near the shower. People know to call before they come over. If someone trips a claymore, they weren't welcome any ways.


I assume your joking about motion sensors, scary enough rigging those with trip wires. I would love to see the circuit that your using though if you are actually rigging the detonators with a motion device.

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I'm still trying to figure out how you got past my moat full of sharks with frickin lasers on their heads to get into my house to take pictures of my shower.

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This is so simple. Snub nosed .357 in your dominant hand (if you are not planning to fap in shower - else suggest you switch hands), 1 quart ziplock freezer bag over hand/gun, and a rubber band around your wrist.


Speedloaders in one of those fake shaving cream cans.



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Motion detectors give me a pretty good idea if anyone is around my property. Guns always around somewhere close, but I never feel like a threat is just around the corner. I just realize that if someone does come for bad reasons the police are 20 minutes away so its up to me.


A relative of mine is freaking nuts, gold bars, food, ammo stashed in every place he can put it around his house. I wouldn't be surprised if his ceiling falls in soon. He has no real reason to be either other than he reads to many BS websites. He won't leave his property for anything, even to go to the store. Its getting to where he sends his wife to get more supplies.

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Doing some psych education in my past I know exactly what you mean. The fear of death, the fear of being unprepared can get to a point that it consumes people. You can say that only 0.007% of people are attacked in a shower and they still put themselves in the 0.007%. Like you said, preparing for the worst can easily turn to where people are on preppers in a basement refusing to make contact with other people.


Do you have a direction I could go for further reading on this? Seems like interesting reading.

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