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I'm A Nut


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Just got in from riding in the drizzle rain we got tonight. I realize I like riding in the rain. Rode home from work that way. Went out later and just rode around to annoy people, I guess. It's kinda fun slipping and sliding all over the place. Kinda like a dirt bike on the road. I wouldn't count on stopping real quick though.

Point is, if you don't ride in the rain, how will you ever know how to ride in the rain? What, when it rains you pull over and give up? When it rains you suddenly realize you have zero experience riding in the rain? I seem to know a lot of people that just won't ride if there is any chance of rain at all. You don't know what you're missing.

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riding in the rain is fun, especially when you've got crazy tpoppa in front of you, sliding the rear end of his buell around.

also, it cleaned my leathers of all the bug corpses it had been hosting. that was a plus.

in summary, i don't mind riding in the rain when it's nice and hot outside.

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I don't mind the rain too much. I don't mind the cold too much. It's the cold and rain together that give me the chills. Today was nothing, light mist, no sweat. If you're slipping and sliding...I'd wonder about your tires. I've ridden for hours in downpours and had no issues...knock on wood. Tires, tires, tires! That's the main ingredient to safe rain riding...in my opinion. Smooth throttle and clutch second. Some way to reduce fog on faceshield third...always a bitch. Pay extra-special attention to cagers, for some reason they can't drive worth a hoot in the rain, go figure. ALWAYS remember that most everything is slippery...manhole covers, paint stripes, tar snakes, expansion joints, etc.

If I didn't ride in the rain, sleet, snow, heat, cold, etc., I would not get to ride as much as I like. Waiting for the "perfect weather" (especially in Ohio) really puts a limit on the number of available riding days.

Just a thought...

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I forget where I read it, but it was said that normal street tires had about 80% of their dry grip on a wet surface. I figure that I can't ride my tires to 80% grip capability anyways...

this may or may not be completely accurate

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...It's the cold and rain together that give me the chills... If you're slipping and sliding...I'd wonder about your tires...

Same here, no cold rain. No, not slipping unless forcing it with the throttle or the brake. Tires stick good.

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I don't mind riding in the rain, I can handle the cold, I can even do the rain in the cold... It's the whole being wet thing I hate. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a rain suit ($10.00) and wore that today when I rode to and from Dayton from Cincy today. Rain, like cold, is a whole lot easier to handle if you're prepared and wear the right gear.

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I don't mind riding in the rain. But yeah being wet sucks. The only "oh shit" moment I had so far was riding over a metal grate bridge in the rain. I think it was in Caimbridge.

It was like ice.

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