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Hypothetical gun control compromise


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A poster on another forum (pro-gun guy) has this proposal, which he calls a "grand compromise" or something. I told him he was nuts if he thought it could get enough popular support. I'm here to see what the CR gun crew says about it. I offer no opinion of my own about whether or not this is a good idea, I just want to hear if you guys would support this.




The federal government exerts supremacy to knock out all state and local gun restrictions so there is a uniform gun law across the country.


The federal government repeals NFA with respect to suppressors and short barreled rifles (does anyone think this makes sense anymore?).


The federal government started auctioning surplus select fire M-16s.




You have to get a federal gun license (which gives you the right to carry nationwide).


You have to register all your firearms with a national registry.

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Here's some questions he's already answered, in case they come up here:




Will the background check/license have to be renewed annually?


Not annually but periodically.


How does one obtain this gun license?


If you pass an enhanced NICS check (which will include restraining orders and adjudicated mental illness), you get a shiny gun license that gives you the right to carry open or concealed throughout the USA (subject to restrictions on carrying in places like airplanes, schools, places of worship, etc.). You can get these at police stations, post offices, the DMV, specially licensed FFLs, etc.


What are the penalties for violating this law?


Just spitballing but...The penalty for having a gun without a license would be a felony and a year in jail. No more guns for you. The penalty for failure to register a gun would be seizure of the gun a fine and a misdemeanor.


What does it take to sell one of my registered weapons to someone else?


You can do it at any FFL. You can either go there together and just pay a transfer fee (about $30 around here) for the FFL to transfer registration to the new owner.


What sorts of weapons, if any, are banned for public ownership?


No more restriction than we have at the federal level right now. In fact we are loosening requirements on suppressors short barreled rifles/shotguns and we are reopening the NFA registry for surplus M-16s.


What about training/safety classes?


The national carry right would require safety class, law and proficiency exams. The right to own would only require NICs check.

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Sounds cute in theory. But, I still don't like the idea of the fed knowing what I have in case of any future attempt at disarmament. Plus, it still doesn't keep guns away from criminals so what's the real benefit?
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I have to agree with wonderboy on this. Nobody needs to know what and how many I own.


I don't see why it couldn't be done like DL's. Your DL is issued by the state, but recognized by all states.

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Yea the government does not need to know what I have or how much. Thats nearing on the point of communism. And really it would cost me 30 dollars to sell a gun, which decreases the value of it and besides that bill was just turned down in congress like last week. Also we dont need a license to show we can open carry we already have that law and not every gun owner needs a ccw.
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Suppressors should not be regulated, but hollywood made people think they turn cannons into whisper-quiet death lasers. They're literally exactly like mufflers on cars in function and practice, except you can't buy them for $15 at every parts store.


Too bad, my neighbors would appreciate a 25dB reduction.

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