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I was being mostly flippant, but there still seemed to be something of a flaw in logic in your plan: you're banking on being able to acquire a rare commodity without paying the premium. It's like me saying if I can't pay my rent one month I'll just buy a new C7 and sell it for double its price.


But, really, it was mostly me just being flippant. I have no doubt in your flipping abilities.


If you stand in line overnight, buy new console, and immediately go home and setup an ebay auction you will profit greatly. People will pay you for not dealing with waiting in line. Every day after launch day and the chance of profit drops quickly.


Source: I used to be a gamestop manager and almost got in trouble for selling an Xbox 1 before the official launch date.

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I think the "fee for used games" thing is being misunderstood. Apparently even by Microsoft employees who told a tech/gaming site one thing only to have another Microsoft person call in to correct it. I still don't know what exactly is going on there but I don't really care either since the only time I've bought used games in the last 5-6 years were really old COD games that I just bought to check vs. the current ones.


And I think some of the TV/Kinect functionality is awesome. You say "watch Animal Planet" and it just goes to it instead of having to remember a number. Or "watch Breaking Bad" and if it's on, it goes to it. If it's not, it brings up the various streaming/renting options on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, etc., etc. As you're doing matchmaking in a game like COD or Halo and waiting for a game to be found, you can be watching TV/browsing the internet then the second a game is found you just flip right over to that. Can you do that now with multiple inputs or multiple TV's? Sure. On the same input/same system/same interface/same everything in an instant? No.


I'm definitely more in it for the games and I have no doubt that Xbox One will continue to bring me the things I enjoyed and chose Xbox 360 over PS3 for but the new features are very intriguing.


And if my plan works out hopefully I end up with one of each anyway.

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PS3 had hit or miss backwards compatibility, basically none after their first wave of consoles. PS4 will have none. I don't remember Xbox 360's all that well. I think most worked and some even looked better on Xbox 360 (ie. Halo 2 - but it didn't play as well IMO).
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its harder and harder these days to simply turn on a game system, and immediately get engrossed into the game--aside from games like halo, cod. its almost like you need 2-3 hours minimum to get into the game. and these games take weeks and weeks of playing time to complete.

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I read highlights, and I'm concerned about the system's gaming capabilities. It's using a next-gen low power AMD Jaguar CPU. Not highend (i7 or AMD FX), not mainstream (Pentium/i3/i5) but low power. Think Intel Atom. It requires installation of games to the HDD (games stored on Blu-ray disks!), and MS only gives you a 500GB HDD. Honestly, I'm suprised they didn't use a SSD. And why the hell does it need to run three OS'es at the same time? WTF Microsoft!


And there's only 8GB of DDR3 (compared to the MUCH faster GDDR5 of the PS4) shared betwenthe CPU, GPU, your game, 3 operating systems, and whatever multi-tasking you are doing.

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PS3 had hit or miss backwards compatibility, basically none after their first wave of consoles. PS4 will have none. I don't remember Xbox 360's all that well. I think most worked and some even looked better on Xbox 360 (ie. Halo 2 - but it didn't play as well IMO).


ALL PS3's can play PS1 disc games but not all can play PS2 disc games.


the PSN is converting the older PS1 & PS2 disc games to digital which "some" are supported by the PS Vita


I read highlights, and I'm concerned about the system's gaming capabilities. It's using a next-gen low power AMD Jaguar CPU. Not highend (i7 or AMD FX), not mainstream (Pentium/i3/i5) but low power. Think Intel Atom. It requires installation of games to the HDD (games stored on Blu-ray disks!), and MS only gives you a 500GB HDD. Honestly, I'm suprised they didn't use a SSD. And why the hell does it need to run three OS'es at the same time? WTF Microsoft!


And there's only 8GB of DDR3 (compared to the MUCH faster GDDR5 of the PS4) shared betwenthe CPU, GPU, your game, 3 operating systems, and whatever multi-tasking you are doing.


I didn't watch the the entire video but can't the HDD be swapped out? I swapped a 1TB HDD in my current PS3, it works great and I have endless space when the PS4 is released I'll be doing the same but hopefully then the 2TB HDD will be ready

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ALL PS3's can play PS1 disc games but not all can play PS2 disc games.


the PSN is converting the older PS1 & PS2 disc games to digital which "some" are supported by the PS Vita




I didn't watch the the entire video but can't the HDD be swapped out? I swapped a 1TB HDD in my current PS3, it works great and I have endless space when the PS4 is released I'll be doing the same but hopefully then the 2TB HDD will be ready


They said its a non user serviceable drive, you can add external drives but not internal. Will the modding community try? Im sure but I bet microsoft will have some propreitary thing in there that cant be replicated.

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At the end of the day, PS4 and X1 will be comparably awesome consoles the likes of which will be chastised by PC gamers everywhere.


And guess what; it won't fucking matter to anyone but the people who have time to break down the graphic rendering capabilities of each.


Bottom line: PC, PS4, and X1 will all be wicked fun ways to engage in video games. I personally prefer PS3 for Madden/NHL/Tiger Woods, but I spend considerably more time PC gaming due to better graphics in single player.

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Also, this is something that I'm skeptical to believe but absolutely thought was a possibility when listening to the reveal...


The Wired.com article where they did an in-depth look (they got a hands-on look before the reveal so they could have a nice article on everything when the reveal did happen) says that all multiplayer games will use dedicated servers. This is HUGE for games like COD or Halo where lag can be a huge negative factor (last 3 COD's have had to experiment with various, awful forms of lag compensation to try and make things better which has really just made things worse).


During the reveal they said when Xbox Live launched they had 3k servers. When 360 launched they were at 15k. Right now they're at around 30k and when the One releases there will be over 300k servers. That is just phenomenal.


The 3 biggest things I'm hoping for right now are...


1) the console having the ability to play various media types from networked devices. I already play music playlists from my PC on my 360 when I game but if they could just add .mkv...lol. Probably won't happen but if it did I'd never do anything on my TV through anything but the One.


2) hoping for a One version of GTA V. Just a straight port from the 360 is fine by me. I just don't want to have to switch between consoles when I feel like goofing off in GTA.


3) hoping my cable box/DVR system works well with the One and all the Kinect features.

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