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An Iraq vets tale of terror, herroism and PTSD.


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If Snowflake joined.






LOL!!! Im not the one crying about PTSD and Im probably more fucked up in the head then you will ever be.......fucking crybaby!!!!


Im pretty sure you joined the military voluntarily while we were at war with more than one piece of shit country. So what the fuck do you expect to happen? Let me guess you thought it be a little closer to COD or some other video game. You made the choice to go and knew the consequences and now you are here fucking crying about it.

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LOL!!! Im not the one crying about PTSD and Im probably more fucked up in the head then you will ever be.......fucking crybaby!!!!


Im pretty sure you joined the military voluntarily while we were at war with more than one piece of shit country. So what the fuck do you expect to happen? Let me guess you thought it be a little closer to COD or some other video game. You made the choice to go and knew the consequences and now you are here fucking crying about it.


Maybe he wanted to defend this great country. I'm glad we have more people like him in this country than people like you.

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LOL!!! Im not the one crying about PTSD and Im probably more fucked up in the head then you will ever be.......fucking crybaby!!!!


Im pretty sure you joined the military voluntarily while we were at war with more than one piece of shit country. So what the fuck do you expect to happen? Let me guess you thought it be a little closer to COD or some other video game. You made the choice to go and knew the consequences and now you are here fucking crying about it.


I hope you get to see the horror of war, then maybe you will stop with this total bullshit.


Before you ask, I have not served, but I have a close friend who did. He did not join during war time, he joined because he wanted to serve his country.


Let me tell you something, he is a shell of his former self. The shit he has seen and had to deal with I would not wish upon anybody.


Trying to compare the ghetto or "tough streets" to war is like trying to compare a small creek to the Mississippi river.


In closing, yeah we get your point that PTSD should not be a defense, but attacking people who have served makes you look like a 200% fucking dumbass that has zero understanding of real life.



Edited by Wagner
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LOL!!! Im not the one crying about PTSD and Im probably more fucked up in the head then you will ever be.......fucking crybaby!!!!


Im pretty sure you joined the military voluntarily while we were at war with more than one piece of shit country. So what the fuck do you expect to happen? Let me guess you thought it be a little closer to COD or some other video game. You made the choice to go and knew the consequences and now you are here fucking crying about it.


First off I wasn't crying just stating about the misdiagnose of PTSD. Second fuck off, this country wouldn't be here if it weren't for the military we would either be run by the British or be nazis.


I didn't join to think of being on "COD" not did I join when we were at war or to go to college.


I joined in 2002 to carry on family military history and fight for "my" country. I didn't need to join to pay for college as I passed up a full ride to Toledo.


People like you make me sick. If you don't like our military please GTFO.

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LOL!!! Im not the one crying about PTSD and Im probably more fucked up in the head then you will ever be.......fucking crybaby!!!!


Im pretty sure you joined the military voluntarily while we were at war with more than one piece of shit country. So what the fuck do you expect to happen? Let me guess you thought it be a little closer to COD or some other video game. You made the choice to go and knew the consequences and now you are here fucking crying about it.


I'm asking that you step back from your approach with the way you are talking to and about the service members. There is a fine line from internet belittling and blatant disrespect. Your comments have been crossing that line. If you have a personal issue with a member on here, work it out over PM's or silently hate each other on here. Stop posting how you have been, and degrading those who have shared experiances. I'm the closest thing to someone who can understand your view and you are pissing me off.


Service members. Enough is enough. I suggest taking it to PM's or offer to meet and sort things out, in PM's. You have been through enough and not everyone is going to share our outlook or understand our experiances. Please don't drag what we have done out for this guy who does not have a shared point of veiw. Don't put yourself through this, please.


Respectfully, thank you.

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i was done talking about it mojoe when he used his wife and my experience as a hidden disrespectful comment.


i can respect ones opinion even if i strongly disagree with it. I can even debate with someone as long as they do so respectfully. I will drop it now because i believe in my heart that a line has been crossed and it really does chap my ass that my friends have given their life for a cause that a individual does not even begin to understand. And when i say friend, i mean someone who i have personally served with, shared my food with, been in combat with and cried with over lost friends and now their gone too. They were no druggies, nor did they violate and laws. they were law abiding citizens who fought for the man that was beside him. now they leave behind little babies who will never know their father, a wife who will never get to see her husband ever again, and parents who got to bury their child.


Or how about the fact that after they come home they are so screwed up that they cant take it anymore and commit suicide. Ive lost a couple of my close friends to that shit too, and im scared to death i am about to lose another one so i call him twice a day.


i am one of the most respectful people you will ever meet period. I will give you anything that i have if i know that you need it. i will help anyone who needs help, and i am always willing to lend a hand. its almost comical to the point that its sickening the shit that is produced from people. they honestly need to hand out birth control to people over some of the comments that people make.




rage out.

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I hope you get to see the horror of war, then maybe you will stop with this total bullshit.


Before you ask, I have not served, but I have a close friend who did. He did not join during war time, he joined because he wanted to serve his country.


Let me tell you something, he is a shell of his former self. The shit he has seen and had to deal with I would not wish upon anybody.


Trying to compare the ghetto or "tough streets" to war is like trying to compare a small creek to the Mississippi river.


In closing, yeah we get your point that PTSD should not be a defense, but attacking people who have served makes you look like a 200% fucking dumbass that has zero understanding of real life.



You can clearly see I was the one being attacked for my opinion because no way I could have a clue what it takes to have PTSD since Im not a combat veteran. I know for a fact that more than just combat vets can have PTSD and the levels are the same as combat vets. Its been proven.


Its like saying my cancer is worse than your cancer.


All of a sudden people are putting words in my mouth like I said shit about hating the military and what they have done for this country.


So whoever is just to blind to see that I was being attacked first go fuck yourself...

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